
  • 网络B. D. Wong
  1. 多数主创人员都会回归,包括克里斯帕拉特、布莱丝达拉斯霍华德、黄荣亮和杰夫高布伦。

    Much of the cast is returning , including Chris Pratt , Bryce Dallas Howard , B.D. Wong , and Jeff Goldblum .

  2. 黄荣亮此前在《侏罗纪公园》所有系列片中均有出演,这一次《侏罗纪世界》中回归的只有他一个,他所饰演的角色依然是亨利·吴博士。

    The only actor in Jurassic World who was in any of the previous movies is B.D. Wong , who reprises his Jurassic Park character , Dr. Henry Wu , in Jurassic World .