
  • 网络Edward Yau
  1. 香港环境局局长邱腾华(EdwardYau)表示,在香港与北京签署了有关确保香港未来20年天然气稳定供应的一系列能源协议后,兴建天然气接收站的需要已大为下降。

    Edward Yau , environment secretary , said the need for the terminal was greatly reduced after Hong Kong signed a series of energy deals with Beijing that will ensure a stable supply of gas to the territory for the next 20 years .

  2. 双方分别指派行政长官办公室主任邱腾华及菲律宾内阁部长JoseReneAlmendras作为代表,就受害者及家属四项要求展开商谈。

    The two leaders designated Director of the Chief Executives Office Mr Edward Yau and Cabinet Secretary Mr Jose Rene Almendras as their representatives respectively to address the four demands of the victims and their families .

  3. 环境局局长邱腾华表示,建设一个绿色城市,要花很多心力,政制发展也一样。

    The Secretary for the Environment , Mr Edward Yau , said building a green city requires a lot of effort and so does constitutional development .

  4. 在访京期间,邱腾华拜会国务院港澳事务办公室、国家发展和改革委员会及国家环保总局。

    During his visit in Beijing , he called on Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office of the State Council , National Development and Reform Commission , and State Environmental Protection Administration .