
  1. 中国和美国这两个主要经济体在科技创新方面都有巨大的优势,清华大学校长邱勇说。

    China and the United States are two leading economies with enormous strengths in technological innovation , said Qiu Yong , president of Tsinghua University .

  2. 比如,著名的清华大学将亨利·大卫·梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》附赠给新生,校长邱勇表示,这样做是为了鼓励学生们养成良好的阅读习惯。

    For example , the prestigious Tsinghua University gave copies of Henry David Thoreau 's " Walden " to promote good reading habits , said its president Qiu Yong .

  3. 7月20日,清华大学校长邱勇通过视频连线的方式,为一名武汉的学子颁发了首封新版研究生录取通知书。

    Qiu Yong , president of Tsinghua University , presented the first copy of the latest version of the university 's admission letter to a student in Wuhan via video link on Monday .

  4. 清华大学体育部主任刘波上周一表示,自本学年开始,将实施该校校长邱勇提出的号召所有在校学生学习游泳的计划。

    Liu Bo , head of the university 's sports science and physical education division , said last Monday that a proposal by university president Qiu Yong urging all undergraduate students to learn how to swim will be implemented at the start of the academic year .

  5. 在典礼上,清华大学校长邱勇告诫所有院系的3000多名学生,要“追逐远大梦想,肩负时代使命”。经济管理学院的256名学生高呼:“清华经管,经世济民!”

    At the ceremony , where the university 's president , Qiu Yong , exhorted more than 3000 students from all departments to " dream big and take responsibility , " the 256 students from the School of Economics and Management shouted , " Tsinghua S.E.M. , benefit the people ! "