
  • 网络Switching signal;on-off signal
  1. 基于ARM的开关量信号采集模板的设计

    Design of Switch Signal Acquisition Board Based On ARM

  2. 960位开关量信号检测系统接口电路

    The Interface Circuit of 960 Bit Switching Quantity Signal Detecting System

  3. 产生可控定时的开关量信号;

    Secondly , it can output a switch and timing signal .

  4. 诊断专家系统中开关量信号的优化选择方法

    Study on the optimizing method of decreasing number of switching signals in diagnostic expert system

  5. 开关量信号检测系统的改进

    Improvement on Signal Detecting System for Switches

  6. 该仪器大大缩短了测试时间,并能方便地对传统仪器不便测试的开关量信号进行测试。

    This instrument greatly decreases testing time , moreover , it can test switching signals which are hard to test for traditional instruments .

  7. 本文介绍适用于APPLE-Ⅱ微型计算机的960位开关量信号检测系统接口电路、它可用于安全,防盗等方面的开关量信号的检测,记录等。

    The object of this paper is to introduce interface circuit of 960 bit switching quantity signal system which is suitable for microcomputer Apple ⅱ .

  8. 概括起来就是各种模拟量信号、开关量信号、61162格式的串口信号、脉冲信号以及音频信号和视频信号。

    Summarily , they include various analog signals , digital signals , signals defined in IEC 61162 series , pulse signals , audio signals and video signals .

  9. 因而本装置包括模拟量信号发生器、开关量信号发生器、串口信号发生器、脉冲信号发生器、正弦信号发生器、音频信号发生器和图像信号发生器。

    Therefore , this device must design analog signals generator , digital signals generator , series signals generator , pulse signals generator , audio signals generator , and video signals generator .

  10. 该系统涉及到1000多路开关量信号的现场采集、远距离实时通信、大屏幕模拟显示以及计算机串口数据采集、图形再现、故障分析等。

    The system deals with acquisition of more than one thousand signals , long-range data communication , simulated display on large plastic screen , and computer serial communication , graphics reappears of stations , malfunction analysis , etc.

  11. 可编程控制器发送指令,采集调速装置状态和控制器件应答信号,处理电机控制系统开关量信号并与计算机系统交换信息。

    Instruction is sent and the state signal of speeder and acknowledge signal of control devices is received , and signal of on-off quantity for control system of dynamo is processed by programmable controller , and information is exchanged with computer system .

  12. 从实验结果可以看出,该系统可真实记录开关量信号的状态变化,可为电力等相关行业故障分析的进一步研究提供可靠依据。

    From the experimental results , it can be seen that the system can actually record the state changes of switching units , which can provide a reliable basis for the further study of failure analysis in power sector and other related industries .

  13. 监控终端承担着排放点各种污染处理仪表监测数据(包括标准模拟信号、开关量信号等)的采集、处理和通讯传输,是环境监控中心对污染源排放点监控设施联网的关键设备。

    Pollution long-distance monitoring terminals ( terminals for short ) are equiped in each system , which undertake gathering , processing and the communication transmission of all kinds of online data ( including standard analog signal , switching signal ) from pollution processing measuring appliance at pollution source .

  14. 利用主机与从机的串行通讯,将开关量信号通过主机发送给从机,由从机完成电器的控制任务,从而简化了传统线束,并有利于汽车的智能化发展。

    Through the serial communication between master and slave microprocessors , the master can send the switching signals to the slave . All the electrical devices are controlled by the slave . The multiplex system simplifies the traditional wiring harness and is beneficial to the development of automotive intelligence .

  15. 基于贝叶斯理论的冗余开关量传感器信号的融合研究

    The Studying of Fusion of Redundancy Binary Signal Based on Bayesian Theory

  16. 光平台数字矩阵,能提供分布式设计,全交叉数字矩阵功能,单机框大于40G交换能力,不仅提供数字视频切换功能,同时提供Ethernet、E1、数据、开关量、语音信号的交叉连接控制。

    Rack-mounted digital matrix , can provide a distributed design , all-digital matrix cross-functional , stand-alone box is greater than 40G switching capacity , not only to provide digital video switching capabilities , while providing Ethernet , E1 , data , digital , voice signal cross-connection control .

  17. 该系统能精确采集柴油机温度、压力、转速及开关量等各种传感器信号;

    This system can accurately pick up various sensor-signals , such as temperature , pressure , speed and switch .

  18. PLC的开关量输入模块作为开关量故障信号的输入装置,模拟量输入模块可用作模拟量故障信号的输入装置。主要分析国产发电机变压器组故障录波器应用现状。

    The binary input module is used for the input of digital fault signals while the analog input module for analog fault signals . The current application situation of China-made digital fault recorders for generator-transformer units is presented .

  19. 坦克目标自动跟踪计算机系统是一个图像处理及瞄准线控制的专用系统,其需要许多开关、按钮等面板输入开关量信号,同时还要引入鼠标指示设备,以便于图形界面操作。

    Tank target auto-tracking system is a image processing and aiming line control system , it needs many digital switching signal inputed by many switches and boutons , introduce the and mouse so that operate the picture interface .