
  • 网络fans;CAR&FAN
  1. F1赛车作为一项体育运动,吸引了全世界车迷的眼球。

    F1 racing car is a famous sport which attract many fans all over the world .

  2. 他为f1带来大量的车迷,也改善了安全系统,不幸的是以他生命的代价。

    He brought a huge amount of fans to F1 but also better safety , unfortunately as a result of his death .

  3. 个人立场:骑车上班,但喜欢看《车迷大本营》(topgear)“化石燃料非常有趣”。

    Personal stance : cycles to work but loves top gear " fossil fuels are fun " .

  4. 一位车迷横穿#ChineseGP(F1中国大奖赛)的赛道,想“要辆赛车开”

    Fan runs across \# ChineseGP track & heads for the Ferrari garage in bid to ' try a car "

  5. 约翰·沃斯:虽然MG的新主人承诺保持MG的英国特色,不过很多MG的忠实车迷提出了这样的问题:“如果一款英国品牌的汽车在中国制造,它还会具有英国的特色吗?”

    JOHN VAUSE : Though the new owners have promised to preserve the English character of MG , many of the car 's loyal fans are asking " Can a British icon still be British while at the same time made in China ? "

  6. 萨博汽车公司(Saab)的新主人没能顺利加速“起飞”并不让人意外,但这着实让世界各地的车迷痛心不已,他们深爱萨博的个性和鲜明外形。

    The failure of Saab 's new owners to gain take-off speed isn 't unexpected , but it pains car lovers everywhere who admired Saabs for their individuality and pluckiness .

  7. 周五,F1中国大奖赛的一场练习赛在上海国际赛车场举行。其间,不知怎么回事,一位车迷竟然翻过看台防护栏,在一辆赛车靠近之际飞速横穿赛道,翻过维修站的控制墙。

    Somehow , a fan managed to climb a fence and sprint across the track at the Shanghai International Circuit in the middle of a practice session on Friday , jumping over the pit wall as a car approached .

  8. 最近两款新跑车斯巴鲁(Subaru)BRZ和ScionFR-S(上图)的面世,让所有车迷都稍感心跳加速。

    The hearts of auto enthusiasts everywhere beat a little faster recently with the introduction of two new sports cars : the Subaru brz and scion fr-s ( above ) .

  9. 毫无疑问,车迷加油的对象是。

    There 's no question who fans are pulling for .

  10. 祝愿我的车友们、车迷们、朋友们圣诞及新年快乐!

    Merry X'mas and happy new year to you all !

  11. 这是他的车迷喜欢的事情之一

    It 's one of the things his fans love about

  12. 车迷们好欢迎来到洛杉矶

    Hello , racers fans , welcome to the los anglos

  13. 我自信车迷是不会失望地离开比赛的。

    I am confident that the fans will not leave the race disappointed .

  14. 我是一名来自澳大利亚墨尔本的车迷。

    I 'm a railfan from Melbourne , Australia .

  15. 你的车迷对你提出的最奇怪的要求是什么?

    What 's the most unusual request you 've had from a fan ?

  16. 梦想成为一个真正的车迷吗?

    Dream to be a genuine car fan ?

  17. 那高高拱起的车顶、倾斜的大灯以及亲民的个性,都让老甲壳虫的车迷们兴奋不已。

    The high arched roofline , sloping headlights , and approachable personality thrilled old Beetle fans .

  18. 雷霆山谷的车迷仍然在叽叽喳喳于今晚闪电麦昆的意外出现

    The fans here in Thunder Hollow still buzzing over tonight 's unexpected appearance of Lightning mcqueen

  19. 有个车迷问题能不能把加油规则弄回来。

    There was a fan outside and he asked me if we could have refuelling back .

  20. 但是,在广大车迷心中,他是永远的车坛传奇。

    But , in fans ' heart , he is the legend of the F1 world .

  21. 赫克托是位摩托车车迷,常常和妻子凯瑟恩·威廉姆斯一起骑乘摩托车。

    Hector was a big lover of riding on his motorbike with his partner Kathryn Williams .

  22. 参加车展的大众车迷似乎不太了解去年大众曝出的尾气排放丑闻。

    Fans of VW cars at the show are largely unaware of the emissions cheating revelations from last year .

  23. 车迷网赠送给箐脚小学的纪念品,与校长、村书记合影。

    Car fans net presents souvenirs to the school , takes pictures with the head and Secretary of country .

  24. 活动现场,几十名车迷与全市各大媒体记者一道共同见证了新奇骏的隆重上市。

    The event , dozens of fans and the city 's major media correspondent witnessed a grand novel Jun listing .

  25. 对很多着眼于未来的车迷来说,汽车工程师和设计师显然太沉迷于过去了。

    For a bunch of forward-looking car guys , automotive engineers and designers sure love to live in the past .

  26. 所有车迷,所有热爱汽车运动的人都有权利了解及将要发生什么。

    And all the fans and all the moto sports people have rights to be explained what gonna to happen .

  27. 正如德国受尊宠的宝马汽车一样,大众能取得今天的成就,看上去是因为公司领导者是车迷。

    Like BMW , another admired German carmaker , VW seems to have succeeded because it is run by petrolheads .

  28. “汽车杂志”是专为对最新型的汽车和古董汽车都感兴趣的车迷而编辑的。

    Automobile Magazine is edited for the automotive enthusiast interested in the novelty as well the tradition of all things automotive .

  29. 印度可大劲有很多的车迷而且在不断增加,但是车迷不仅仅是印度可大劲的车迷。

    Force India already has a lot of fans and they add to it , but it is not only Force India .

  30. 请原谅,我迟到了这么长时间。这是由于我从宿舍出来后搭错了车迷了路的缘故。

    Please do excuse me for being so late , but I took the wrong bus and got lost on the way .