
  • 网络China Movie Channel
  1. 该片的演员阵容可谓众星云集,影坛大腕刘德华和林志玲领衔出演,影片的制作方中包括中国电影频道和中国电影集团等国有单位。

    It boasts a star-studded cast headlined by A-listers Andy Lau and Lin Chi-ling , and counts state-owned companies China Movie Channel and China Film Group among its producers .

  2. 该片的制片合作方中国电影频道周一在其网站1905电影网上说,武隆景区没有按时支付合同规定的费用。

    China Movie Channel , the production partner , said on Monday on its website , 1905 Internet Technology , that the Wulong Scenic Area had not paid its contracted fee on time .