
  • 网络Chinese Musicology;Musicology in China;China Musicology
  1. 《中国音乐学》脚注、书目样式

    Sample of Footnotes & Bibliography of Musicology in China

  2. 本文整理2001-2003年间《人民音乐》,《音乐研究》、《中国音乐学》等杂志及各大音乐学院学报中有关中国近现代音乐史理论研究文章,介绍了目前中国音乐史理论研究的概况。

    This thesis sorts out many related theoretical research papers on Chinese modern musical history from People 's Music , Music Research , Musicology in China and journals of conservatories between 2001 and 2003 and then gives a survey of theoretical research on music history in modern China .

  3. 学术期刊的使命和音乐学家的成长《中国音乐学》创刊20周年暨音乐学研究在当代学术研讨会综述

    RESEARCH Summarize the Academic Forum of Contemporary Musicology Research in China

  4. 走向21世纪的中国音乐学&中青年音乐学家笔会专栏站在世纪之界的后顾与前瞻

    China 's Musicology Heading for 21st Century Forum of Young and Middle-aged Music Theorists

  5. 所以这篇论文也将为中国音乐学界更好地了解越南音乐,提供一些借鉴和帮助。

    Therefore , the thesis helps Chinese musical researchers have deeper understanding about Vietnamese music .

  6. 收获昨天把握当代展望未来&《中国音乐学》创刊20周年暨学术研讨会综述

    Gain , Grasp and Prospect : Summary of the Conference for Chinese Musicology Vicennial Anniversary

  7. 有鉴于此,在新世纪的第一个春天,本刊特辟这一笔会专栏,邀请部分中青年音乐学家来对21世纪的中国音乐学献计献策。

    Therefore , in the first spring of the new millenium , we offered the column of Writing Conference , invite the musicologists to make suggestions and offer advice to Chinese musicology in 21st century .

  8. 在经历了深入而漫长的探索之后,中国音乐学已经形成了许多符合音乐发展规律、符合音乐学不同学科思维方式的有效研究方法。

    After a long and deep exploring , the Chinese musicology got quite numbers of the effective research methods according to the rule of music development and fit the different thinking ways of the branches in musicology .

  9. 埃利斯《论诸民族的音阶》这样一篇开民族音乐学先河的经典论文对中国音乐学学术影响甚大,但中国学者却还没有机会一睹全貌。

    The first paper in musicology 《 on the Musical Scales of various Nations 》 has deeply influenced Chinese Music Academic for years . Nevertheless , the Chinese scholars still has no chance to see the entire contents of the papers .

  10. 中国音乐治疗学的现状分析及前景展望

    The Existing Condition Analysis and Prospect Forecast of Musicotherapy in China

  11. 一次全方位的学术回顾与反思&“中国当代音乐学研究论坛”会议综述

    Retrospect and Reflection - Forum on Contemporary Musicology in Chian

  12. 近五年来中国民族音乐学研究综述

    A Summary of Ethnomusicology in China in Recent 5 years

  13. 改革开放与中国当代音乐学高层论坛综述

    Summarize the Top Forum of Reform and Opening with Contemporary Musicology in China

  14. 20世纪中国音乐文献学研究概述

    Survey of the 20c Research on Chinese Music Philology

  15. 中国音乐教育学的历史发展及其展望

    Historical Development and Prospect of Chinese Music Education

  16. 中国当代音乐学中的音乐社会学

    Musical Sociology in Chinese Contemporary Musicology

  17. 最后的结语部分,讨论了中国音乐图像学与国外音乐图像学学科发展的不同之处,并对其发展前景作一展望。

    The paper further analyzes the shades of music iconography between china and abroad in the course of its development , and makes a bright prospect of it .

  18. 学术重镇&音乐研究所在20世纪中国民族音乐学实地考察中的作为国立艺术学院展演艺术中心金工研习营、表演场所音响技术研习会。

    Fieldwork Conducted by the Music Research Institute at Chinese Academy of Arts in the Twentieth Century ; Metal Processing Camp and Song Technology Camp of Performing Arts Center of Taipei National University of Arts .

  19. 目前在中国,音乐图像学研究的概念还仅限于音乐考古学的范畴之内。不要说专业的研究性刊物,即使是相关的论文也属难得一见。

    The conception of music-iconology in China is limited to research the musical archaeology at recent .

  20. 中国传统音乐结构学是中国传统音乐研究中的一门重要的学科,无论从民族文化生态的角度还是从历史渊源或时代发展需求的角度,它的建立都是一种必然。

    Chinese traditional music structure research is an important academics in the Chinese traditional musical research . Its establishment is inevitable , either in the angle of race cultural ecosystem or in the angle of history origin and the demanding .

  21. 音乐社会学在中国&中国音乐社会学研究20年述评

    Sociology of Music Research in China

  22. 在这种背景下,长江文艺出版社引进的美国纽约城市大学研究中心创办的世界音乐图像学论文集《艺术中的音乐》(MusicinArt)在中国的出版,对于中国音乐学领域来说有着积极意义。

    Therefore , there is a positive meaning to the Chinese musicology for publishing Music in Art in China .

  23. 当历史的车轮带领着我们驶入2001年时,凡关心中国音乐学术发展的人们也许都在思考:在新的世纪,中国音乐学将会怎样?

    Now it is in a new Millenium , those who concerned the development of Chinese music academic are thinking about how will be the Chinese musicology in the new century ?

  24. 本文将中国古典诗歌与中国传统音乐结构的关系作为研究的切入点来启动中国传统音乐结构学的研究。

    Firstly , this paper analyses the relationship between Chinese classic verse and Chinese traditional musical structure , then it researches the Chinese traditional musical structure .

  25. 对乐种学的研究,有利于对中国传统文化艺术的总体认识,有利于对文化源流体系的梳理和理论探索,有利于中国传统音乐学的建设。

    And it is good for the research of theory and arrangement of cultural system ; And also it is helpful to the building of traditional Chinese musicology .