
  1. 游戏中有些障碍不能碰,否则就会让泡泡爆炸。

    Some obstacles game untouchable , otherwise it will allow bubble explosion .

  2. 玩家撞击游戏区域的障碍物的碰撞检测。

    Tests the collision of the player against the obstacles of the game field .

  3. 由于过度沉迷于网络游戏而导致情绪障碍、家庭矛盾、社会适应问题症状也相继出现,并逐渐成为一种社会问题。

    But people indulge into online game also bring emotion hinder 、 family conflict and some society question .

  4. 音频游戏是以音频信息作为推动游戏进程必要元素的数字游戏,视觉障碍玩家和健全玩家都可以参与。

    Audio game is kind of digital game based on audio information which serves as the necessary elements of propelling the game process . Both visual disorder player and sound player can participate in the audio game .