
  • 网络Horror Games;Nightmare;Funny Games;Sorority House Massacre II;Are you scared
  1. 艺电的动作恐怖游戏《死亡空间3》(DeadSpace3)登上了2月份最热销视频游戏榜首。

    EA had the top-selling video game in February with its action-horror Title dead space 3 .

  2. 《黎明杀机》是一款由加拿大游戏开发工作室BehaviorInteractive制作的非对称生存恐怖游戏,该游戏于上周二发布了预告片,推出一个新角色。

    Dead by Daylight , an asymmetric survival horror video game developed by Canadian game development studio Behavior Interactive , released a trailer introducing the new character last Tuesday .

  3. 他们用粗树枝当作火箭,细木当作突击步枪,这些就是他们的“恐怖游戏”。

    They made rockets from branches and used sticks for Kalashnikovs ; these were their sports of terror .

  4. 卡普空最著名的生存类恐怖游戏“生化危机”的第一部出品于1996年。

    Capcom 's hugely popular survival horror title game ' Resident Evil ' began in 1996 with the first installment .

  5. 老师打着拍子,让我唱《特迪熊的野餐》,这是我们派对的恐怖游戏之一。我正常的说话声是和亨利?

    Teacher had tapped me to sing " The Teddy Bears Picnic " as part of the scary entertainment for our party .

  6. 生化危机成为了有史以来最成功的恐怖游戏系列,并为众多同类游戏争相效仿。

    Resident Evil is the best horror game series that has ever been made and has been the inspiration for many other imitations .

  7. 例如,你有一个恐怖游戏,发生在夜间,可以创建带有手电筒的实际氛围。

    For example , if you have a horror game that takes place at night , you can create an effective atmosphere with a flashlight .

  8. 你知道吗?这部电影其实是由一个日本的恐怖游戏改编的,因此它不完全算是美国的恐怖片。

    But you know , that movie is based off of a Japanese Horror video game so we can 't really call that American horror .

  9. 传闻有一个恐怖游戏,参与者的灵魂将被传送去一座大宅,以帮一名已死的女子找回她的拇指。

    An elementary school student hears of a creepy urban legend . A surreal game where your body 's spirit is transported to another place to find a dead girl 's missing thumb .

  10. (Halo5:Guardians)。而在科隆游戏展上正式宣布的特色作品中,《寂静岭》(SilentHills)的最新续集赫然在列。这是科乐美(Konami)最为畅销的恐怖题材游戏(还据此改编成了两部电影)。

    One of the more unique games announced at Gamescom was Silent Hills , the latest sequel in Konami 's bestselling horror franchise ( which has also spawned two films ) .

  11. 这是一个既刺激又恐怖的游戏。

    That was a game , stimulating as well as horrible .

  12. 恐怖,射击游戏中同类型的优良传统保持!

    Horror-shooter in keeping with the best traditions of the genre !