
  • 网络The Wages of Fear;le salaire de la peur;TheSumOfAllFears
  1. 亨利—乔治·克鲁佐是一位具有开创性的法国导演,因希区柯克式惊险片而闻名,代表作有1953年《恐惧的代价》和1955年《恶魔》。

    Henri-Georges Clouzot was a groundbreaking French director known for his thrilling , Hitchcock-esque dramas like 1953 's The Wages of Fear and 1955 's Les Diaboliques .

  2. 因此,我们称之为原教旨主义者或者狂热分子的那些人,他们由于向这个社会灌输了恐惧从而付出的代价,比他们应该付的大得多。

    And , therefore , we label those people as fundamentalists or fanatics and they have much greater purchase in terms of the fear that they instill in society than they truly deserve .

  3. 恐惧是我们行凶的代价。

    Fear is the price of our instrument .