
  • 网络dinosaur skeleton
  1. 展示恐龙骨架、化石和侏罗纪时期。

    Exhibit dinosaur skeletons , fossil and the Jurassic Period .

  2. 仿真恐龙骨架原型枕头外套是柔软的海绵橡胶。

    Life-sized replicas of real dinosaur bones made from soft rubber-coated foam .

  3. 在位于纽约的家里,巴塔哥尼亚恐龙骨架在安放的时候并不容易。

    The Patagonian skeleton was not an easy fit in its New York home .

  4. 科学家们得以重建恐龙骨架,对恐龙的生存情况也了解了很多。

    Scientists have been able to reconstruct the skeletons and learn a great deal about the dinosaurs ' living conditions .

  5. 当这个问题在10月25日纽约美国自然历史博物馆引发讨论时,馆里的恐龙骨架提醒着人们这一猝不及防的危险。

    On October 25th , at a discussion of the issue at New York 's American Museum of Natural History , its dinosaur skeletons a reminder of the danger of being unprepared .

  6. 一位买家以约65万美元的成交金额拍得一副恐龙骨架,这名买家并未公布身份,据英国的拍卖行介绍,这是副梁龙骨架,是最长的动物。

    And the winner of the dinosaur auction is the approximately $ 650000 bid from a buyer from an unnamed institution , that 's how much the skeleton of the dinosaur known as Diplodocus , longest due to auction in England .

  7. Clifford看到恐龙的骨架的时候很兴奋。

    Clifford gets excited when he sees the dinosaur skeleton .