
  • 【电影】Horror Story;horror
  1. 他说人们谈起解雇犹如在讲恐怖故事。

    He described talk of sackings as scare stories .

  2. 阿德里安·莱恩的最新电影《雅各的天梯》讲的是一个发生在越战后的恐怖故事。

    ' Jacob 's Ladder ' , the newest film by Adrian Lyne , is a post-Vietnam horror story .

  3. 你可能听说过一些时尚界的恐怖故事。

    You may have heard some of the fashion industry horror stories .

  4. 当世人都喜欢的时候,我就不太愿意去喜爱它,但这个恐怖故事实在精彩。

    There was a bit of me that didn 't want to love this when everyone else on the planet did , but the horror story is brilliant .

  5. 我喜欢读恐怖故事。

    I like reading scare stories .

  6. 大部分网络漫画系列都在大型门户网站免费发布,每周更新一到两次,涵盖的题材也很广泛,浪漫喜剧和恐怖故事等,都涵盖其中。

    Most webtoon serials3 are published on major Internet portals free of charge and once or twice a week . They cover a wide range of genres4 , as diverse as romantic comedies and horror .

  7. FX的《美国恐怖故事》(AmericanHorrorStory)也在继续积聚人气。

    FX 's ' American Horror Story ' continues to build .

  8. 在关于麻醉觉醒(anesthesiaawareness)的研究里,充满了此类恐怖故事,这是由于给予麻醉的确是一项令麻醉医师如履薄冰的棘手任务。

    Studies of anesthesia awareness are full of such horror stories , because administering anesthesia is a tightrope walk .

  9. 《潜伏II》(Insidious:Chapter2)则延续了上一部的恐怖故事:这一家人无论搬到何处也无法摆脱灵异的家宅恐怖事件。

    Insidious : Chapter 2 ' continues the disturbing tale of a family that can 't shake unexplained household horrors no matter where they move .

  10. 《美国恐怖故事》第三季将会在2013年的秋季档回归FX电视台。

    American Horror Story returns to FX in the fall of 2013 .

  11. 《美国恐怖故事:1984》经历了目前最大的转折:《Variety》杂志称,莎拉·保罗森可能不会出演第九季。

    American Horror Story : 1984 has already delivered its biggest twist yet : Sarah Paulson will not star in the ninth season of the FX anthology , Variety reports .

  12. 《潜伏II》(Insidious:Chapter2)则延续了上一部的恐怖故事:这一家人无论搬到何处也无法摆脱灵异的家宅恐怖事件。

    ' Insidious : Chapter 2 ' continues the disturbing tale of a family that can 't shake unexplained household horrors no matter where they move .

  13. 《美国恐怖故事》第十季计划今年晚些时候回归FX,但由于疫情原因这部恐怖片可能会推迟播放。

    American Horror Story Season 10 was set to return to FX later this year , but due to the coronavirus pandemic there 's a chance that the horror anthology may be delayed .

  14. 流行天后嘎嘎小姐凭借她在HBO热门短剧《美国恐怖故事:旅馆》中扮演的反面角色获得了最佳女主角的奖杯。

    Pop superstar Gaga also took home the award for best actress in a limited television series or movie for her role as the villainous Countess in American Horror Story : Hotel . The Born This Way singer made an emotional speech as she was awarded a Golden Globe for her role in the HBO hit .

  15. 这段恐怖故事,打发得越快越好。

    The more quickly this horror is disposed of the better .

  16. 这坏家伙讲的恐怖故事使我们毛骨悚然。

    The horror story the rascal told made our flesh creep .

  17. 有些是恐怖故事,有些是惊险刺激的故事,所有的书籍都是彩色的。

    Some are scary , some exciting , all are colorful .

  18. 我记得'恐怖故事'我吓了一跳,我仍然是一个孩子

    I remember how'Thriller'freaked me out when I was still a kid

  19. 我们都被他娓娓讲述的恐怖故事吓住了。

    We were frightened at the frightening story he told vividly .

  20. 老挝村民中一直流传着尸体被丢到河里的恐怖故事。

    Lao villagers swap grisly tales of corpses dumped in the river .

  21. 每年万圣节,孩子们都喜欢被这恐怖故事吓得直打哆嗦。

    Every Halloween , children enjoy being frightened by this scary story .

  22. 《美国恐怖故事:畸形秀》将会在2014年秋季开播。

    American Horror Story : Freak Show will premiere in fall 2014 .

  23. 约翰·斯纳特在1817年出版了《恐怖故事汇》。

    John Snart published the Thesaurus of Horror in 1817 .

  24. 社论称恐怖故事在中国的青少年中间十分流行。

    The editorial says that horror stories prevail among China 's teenagers .

  25. 美国恐怖故事,权力的游戏等等都在角逐之中,

    American Horror Story , Game of Thrones are among the contenders ,

  26. 那是一则恐怖故事吧?

    It 's a horror story , isn 't it ?

  27. 20世纪80年代中期,一个恐怖故事传遍了美国商圈。

    In the mid-1980s , a scare story went round US business circles .

  28. 你不应该给孩子们讲恐怖故事,他们会吓坏的。

    You shouldn 't tell children scary stories . they 'll be scared .

  29. 是的他是个作家写些恐怖故事

    Yeah , he was a writer -- short stories , horror stuff .

  30. 这个九月《美国恐怖故事》即将开启恐怖新章。

    American Horror Story will kick off its terrifying new chapter this September .