
  • 网络Coincidence;pure coincidence;purely coincidental
  1. 这是没办法的事,纯属巧合。

    It was simply one of those things , pure coincidence .

  2. 我和她同时到达纯属巧合。

    She and I both arrived at the same time by pure coincidence .

  3. 如与真人、真实地点或真实事件有雷同之处,纯属巧合。

    Any resemblance to actual persons , places or events is purely coincidental

  4. 书中人物如有雷同,纯属巧合。

    Any resemblance of a character in this book to a living person is purely incidental .

  5. 监管者面临的恼人问题在于,过去半个世纪金融业占GDP比例的上升是经济增长的必要条件,还是纯属巧合。

    The vexing question confronting regulators is whether this rising share of finance has been a necessary condition of growth in the past half century , or coincidence .

  6. 所以,要么纯属巧合,要么是什么别的原因。

    So it 's either pure coincidence , or something else .

  7. 我们俩当时都在场纯属巧合。

    It was pure chance that we were both there .

  8. 是纯属巧合,还是人类真的有某种所谓的第六感?

    Would it be coincidence , or some sort of sixth-sense intuition ?

  9. 与现实人物的任何相似之处皆纯属巧合。

    Any similarity to real people is purely coincidental .

  10. 纯属巧合的是,我们最终都为同一机构工作。

    By sheer coincidence , we ended up working for the same organization .

  11. 雷曼把机会送到了我们面前,这纯属巧合。

    It was pure coincidence [ that ] Lehman came to us as an opportunity .

  12. 他们的绩效即使纯属巧合,这项假说至少也值得我们加以审查。

    The hypothesis that they do this by pure chance is at least worth examining .

  13. 这并非纯属巧合,而是圣灵的引领,让属天与属地的两大势力对决。

    The Holy Spirit led Him into this face-off between the powers of heaven and hell .

  14. 我发誓这纯属巧合

    I promise it was a coincidence

  15. 我是个讲逻辑的人,我认为是纯属巧合

    Now , I 'm a man of logic . I think it 's just coincidence .

  16. 纯属巧合,我最好的朋友和我竟在同一家广告公司工作。

    By coincidence , my best friend and I ended up working at the same advertising firm .

  17. 巴蒂金表示,这种情况纯属巧合的概率大约是1.4万分之一。

    The odds of that happening by chance are about 1 in 14000 , Dr. Batygin said .

  18. 或者纯属巧合,出现这两种对保罗完全不同的盗用?

    Or is it just by accident that we have these two very radically different appropriations of Paul ?

  19. 柯林斯强调说,该书的问世与危机的出现在时间上纯属巧合。

    He emphasizes there that the book 's timing was entirely coincidental to the timing of that crisis .

  20. 不过,不管这是场阴谋还是纯属巧合,我们无法否认这个预言真的让人很匪夷所思。

    Whether you call it conspiracy or coincidence you can 't deny that it was a bizarre prediction .

  21. 简而言之,发表的研究结果都偏向于支持可能纯属巧合的惊人结果。

    In short , published research is systematically biased in favour of striking results that may be coincidence .

  22. 克尔维特车型和摇滚乐于50年前在美国同时诞生,这纯属巧合么?

    The Corvette and rock ` n ` roll were both born in America , 50 years ago . Coincidence ?

  23. 且不说这种一致性纯属巧合的几率有多小,巴蒂金表示,这样的运行模式也本应随时间的流逝而消散。

    Besides the long odds of this alignment being coincidental , Dr. Batygin said , this pattern would disperse over time .

  24. 本片中的角色与任何在世或已故的人的相似之处皆纯属巧合。

    Any resemblance of any of the characters in the film to any person , living or ddead , is purely coincidental .

  25. 当然,球童出身的金融界大腕数量如此之多也可能纯属巧合。但是迪克•康诺利并不这么认为。

    Of course , the number of financial whizzes who caddied in their youth might be sheer coincidence , but Dick Connolly thinks not .

  26. 纯属巧合的是,另外两个研究团队也在同时发布了遗传学领域的成果,支持了该临床研究的结论。

    At the same time , and by sheer coincidence , two other groups of researchers reported genetic studies that supported the trial 's conclusions .

  27. 科学家称,这样奇特的排位若是纯属巧合,其几率仅为0.007%,因此他们坚信这一定是因为有第九颗行星存在的缘故。

    The scientists say that there 's a 0.007 percent probability that the configuration is due to chance , and instead are confident it 's a ninth planet .

  28. 从某种意义上讲,现当代哲学对近代哲学的超越均从对先验主体性范畴的批判性反思入手并非是纯属巧合。

    Therefore , it 's not coincidence , to some extent , that modern philosophy started all its transcendence over its past with the critical introspection on " transcendental subjectivity " .

  29. 和他相识纯属是一种巧合,不知道这能不能算是一种缘份。

    And his met purely a coincidence , do not know if this can not be regarded as a kind of fate .