
  1. 希望通过这样的研究,来探寻纯爱电影影片特有的艺术魅力。

    Hope that through this study , to explore the unique artistic charm of love movie .

  2. 《情人节》是去年情人节上映的温馨纯爱电影,讲述了各色人物的爱情故事。剧中大牌云集,包括朱莉娅·罗伯茨、安妮·海瑟薇、布莱德利·库珀和艾什顿·库彻都在电影中有精彩演出。

    Valentine 's Day is a2010 American romantic comedy film , which stars a bunch of big names like Julia Roberts , Anne Hathaway , Bradley Cooper and Ashton Kutcher .

  3. 本文旨在从艺术美学的角度出发,通过借鉴国内外对纯爱电影研究成果,对日本的纯爱电影进行探索。

    This paper from the aesthetic point of view , through drawing lessons from the domestic and foreign research results of upcoming movies , love movies were explored in japan .