
  • 网络Pure Blood;Thoroughbred;pureblood
  1. 正因为友谊太短暂也太难得,每一个纯血种才会格外珍惜天赐的友谊,这就是贵族的悲哀与快乐。

    Just because friendship is too short and too rare , so every pure blood will cherish this god-given friendship , this is nobles'sadness and happiness .

  2. 母亲你早就在纯血种马簿里查过他们

    Mama , you 've already looked him up in the stud books

  3. 食死徒永远不能提到伏地魔本人不是纯血的。

    No Death Eater must ever mention that the Dark Lord himself is not pureblooded .

  4. 食死徒必须是纯血的。

    Death Eater must be pureblooded .

  5. 所谓的纯血种家庭为维护他们所声称的血统的纯正,通过抵赖或说谎的方式,否认他们家庭里有麻瓜或麻瓜出身者。

    So-called pure-blood families maintain their alleged purity disowning , banishing or lying about Muggles or Muggle-borns on their family trees .

  6. 保种与选育的关系研究&荣昌猪纯繁及导血选育保种结果分析

    STUDIES ON RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONSERVATION AND BREEDING & Analysis of Pure Breeding and Cross Breeding Rongchang Pig