
  • 网络It was an accident;Unexpected;Pure Accidents;The Sims Bustin' Out
  1. 希尔首次遭遇这种鸟纯属意外。

    Hill 's first encounter with the bird was quite unexpected .

  2. 这结果可能纯属意外。

    The results could simply be due to chance .

  3. 这事纯属意外。

    This has happened by sheer accident .

  4. 我们都认为化石的发现纯属意外。

    We all suppose that fossils are found by accident .

  5. 你打到我的骨头了纯属意外

    You hit my bone ! It was an accident !

  6. 而电视台方声称这些失误“纯属意外”。

    The network said the mistakes were " accidental . "

  7. 我成为记者纯属意外。

    I came into journalism by way of an accident .

  8. 结果它掉下来砸在小壳身上纯属意外

    and it fell on top of him . It was an accident .

  9. 哦现实点吧他选中我纯属意外

    Oh , come on ! Face it , he picked me by accident .

  10. 别发愁&这纯属意外,你们俩谁也没过错。

    Don 't worry & it was an accident and no blame attaches to either of you .

  11. 但是肥皂的发现过程也许真的纯属意外。

    But it is likely that the discovery of how to make soap may have been accidental .

  12. 但对市长而言,卷入这项与马有关的事业其实纯属意外收获,那时它还没有变成一桩头疼事。

    But for the mayor , embracing the equine cause was a windfall before it was a headache .

  13. 而以色列国防军则说她死于废墟坍塌,纯属意外事故。

    The Israeli Defence Forces said it was an accident , and that she was killed by falling debris .

  14. 大多数女人当妈妈纯属意外,有些出于选择,少数迫于社会压力,有几个则是习惯成自然。

    Most women become mothers by accident , some by choice , a few by social pressures , and a couple by habit .

  15. 马利克等业余博客写手成为创业者纯属意外,但其它人,如阿林顿,则是受到这一媒介商业潜力的吸引才加入的。

    While amateur bloggers such as Mr Malik become accidental entrepreneurs , others , such as Mr & # 8201 ; Arrington , have been drawn to the medium from the start by its commercial potential .

  16. 它是米亚塔驴和当地动物园所收养斑马的杂交后代。生下这只斑驴纯属意外:一只爱意坚定的雄性斑马爬过篱笆,进入母驴的领地。然而这个小小的保护区没有料想到会因此收到一份大礼。

    The offspring of a breed of donkey from Amiata and a zebra adopted from a local zoo , the zonkey was not bred intentionally : A determined male zebra scaled a fence to get into a female donkey 's enclosure .

  17. 纳考西能在学校待三年纯属一个意外。

    In 3 years at school Nkosi had only one accident .