
  • 网络purist
  1. 达克,你真是个纯粹主义者,怎么了?

    Ducky , you 're such a purist . what 's up ?

  2. 需要大量代码计算启示,难以管理并且对于纯粹主义者而言未能体现算法的本质。

    The large mass of code needed to calculate heuristics was fundamentally difficult to manage and , for the purist , lacked algorithmic substance .

  3. 该词典的新版为该语言新增了7,000个词条,纯粹主义者们称该语言正面临威胁。

    The new edition of the dictionary carries 7000 additions to the language , which purists say is under threat .

  4. 为什么不把所有的行为性和状态性职责都赋给实体呢,就像OO纯粹主义者所倡导的那样,让实体自己负责持久化操作。

    So why not give an entity all behavioral and state responsibilities , thus including the responsibility to perform persistence operations , as advocated by OO purists ?

  5. 纯粹主义者可能认为,它会占用CPU和通道资源来执行额外的GETPAGE,他们可能是对的。

    Purists might argue that it costs CPU and channel resources to perform the extra GETPAGEs , and they would be right .

  6. 自动生成代码:纯粹主义者会坚持在ORM不应该有这项功能,因为好的对象模型应该手工来写代码。

    Code generation : The purists will insist that there is no place for code generation in ORM , because a well-thought-out object model should be coded by hand .

  7. 关注者:教育工作者,非正式的库实现者,研究人员,嵌入式语言和“50-page”语言纯粹主义者

    Constituencies : educators , casual implementers , researchers , embedded languages ," 50-page " purists

  8. 但一些橄榄球纯粹主义者认为,里奇执掌的RFU热衷于赚钱,与橄榄球的核心价值观格格不入。

    But to some rugby purists , the RFU has , under Mr Ritchie , taken on a zeal for making money that sits uneasily with rugby 's core values .

  9. 纯粹主义者会反对这一点。

    Purists will object to that .

  10. 东芝的审计委员会中包含执行董事——这对英国的公司治理纯粹主义者来说是一个危险信号。

    The audit committee at Toshiba includes executive directors - a red flag to UK governance purists .

  11. 如果你问一个食物纯粹主义者有关美式中国食物到底怎样,他可能会抱怨说美式中国食物的不正宗。

    Ask a foodpurist about American Chinese food and you 'll get a pu-pu platter ofhostilerhetoric about its inauthenticity .

  12. 奥林匹克纯粹主义者一向认为奖牌榜有点粗俗。毕竟,重要之处理应在于参与。

    Olympic purists have always considered the medals table somewhat crass . After all , the important thing is supposed to be the taking part .

  13. 社交媒体是许多新鲜词汇的来源,尽管其中的大多数词语都是复合词,这些复合词会让语言纯粹主义者大惊失色。

    Social media were the source for many of the new coinages , though most were the kind of compounds that would have language purists clutching their pearls .

  14. 但历史纯粹主义者表示所有的这些乐趣延伸出真相是生活真的就是这样,在许多情况下非常困难,甚至十分残酷。

    But historical purists say all this fun stretches the truth of what life was really like which , in many cases , was hard , even brutal .

  15. 令自由市场纯粹主义者失望的是,香港日前首次出台最低工资标准,定为每小时28港元(合3.55美元)。

    To the dismay of free-market purists , last week the territory introduced its first minimum wage , set at HK $ 28 ( $ 3.55 ) an hour .

  16. 纯粹主义者,由于集中处于几个湖畔大学中,也被称为“淡水学派”经济学家。他们将滞涨归咎于永不休止的央行银行家门试图干预过多。

    The purists , known as " freshwater " economists because of the lakeside universities where they happened to congregate , blamed stagflation on restless central bankers trying to do too much .

  17. 那些把《罗密欧与朱丽叶》一剧贬得一文不值的人,包括无论是莎士比亚的忠实拥护者也好,还是纯粹主义者,或根本就是顽固不化的人也好,这下都可以再对《红磨坊》好好评论一番了。

    Those who disparaged the Romeo and Juliet experience , whether they were Shakespeare shunners , or purists , or simply sticks in the mud , might be prepared to quibble over Moulin Rouge .

  18. 艺术纯粹主义者斥责美术馆是在替商业行为做宣传,但是也有人认为亚曼尼日后必定会取得非凡的成就,他的作品应该陈列在博物馆里。

    Art purists castigated the Museum for promoting commercial concerns , while others , who feel Armani 's best days are behind him , pointed out that a museum is where his designs belong .

  19. 日本的烹饪纯粹主义者一直以来对于西餐的兴起对和食的冲击深感担忧。和食含有丰富的鱼类,米饭和时蔬,是著名的健康饮食。

    Culinary purists in Japan have long expressed concern about the impact of the rise of Western diets in favour of washoku , a famously healthy diet with its copious fish , rice and seasonal vegetables .

  20. 上周五,中国电视观众观看了《汉字听写大会》的决赛,这个比赛不仅吸引了全国观众,而且令文化纯粹主义者更担心许多中国人的汉字书写能力正在下降的问题。

    On Friday , Chinese television audiences watched the final of a national spelling bee competition that has both enthralled the nation and revved up cultural purists worried about the declining ability of many Chinese to write their own language .

  21. 眼下我们经历的不只是黑胶唱片的风潮再起,而是一场小型的老式音乐存储载体复兴运动:其中包括最近在地下朋克纯粹主义者和个人厂牌中很时兴的磁带。

    Not only is vinyl on the upswing , but we 're even in the midst of a mini-renaissance of a formerly archaic music-storage medium : the cassette tape , which is newly in vogue among young underground punk purists and D.I.Y. record labels .

  22. 《汉字听写大会》触动了中国人的一根神经。在中国,纯粹主义者抱怨说,由于表情符号和能够使人们写字更快的拼音输入法的大量使用,智能手机正在腐蚀人们的语言技能。

    The show has touched a nerve in China , where purists complain that smartphones are eroding language skills , thanks to the frequent use of emoticons and software that lets people write faster using the pinyin system , where Chinese words are written phonetically in Latin script .

  23. 婚姻自由原则不是一种纯粹自由主义者的理念,它的实现受特定社会条件给出的边界限制。

    The principle of freedom of marriage is not one pure idea of liberalist ; its realization is confined to demarcation provided by specific social conditions .

  24. 她在艺术创作上是个纯粹的个人主义者。

    She 's a complete individualist in her art .

  25. 然而,他常常被误认为是一个逃避现实的入,一个纯粹的浪漫主义者。

    However , he is often misunderstood as a pure romanticist and an escapist .

  26. 一个人如果能够集中自己的想法与希望超越自我就有可能在日常的琐碎生活中得到一丝宁静,而这对于纯粹的利己主义者来说是绝对不可能的。

    The man who can centre his thoughts and hopes upon something transcending self can find a certain peace in the ordinary troubles of life which is impossible to the pure egoist .

  27. 比尔盖茨(BillGates)可能是我遇到的最纯粹的技术乐观主义者。

    Bill Gates is perhaps the purest technological optimist I have met .

  28. 赛义德在《东方主义》中说:每一个欧洲人,就他关于东方的所论而言,都可以正确地认为是种族主义者,帝国主义者,几乎纯粹的种族中心主义者。

    Said remarks in his Orientalism that " Every European , in what lie could say about the Orient , was consequently a racist , an imperialist and almost totally ethnocentric ";