
qí wánɡ
  • Chess King;chess champion;grand master
  1. 好像她才是小棋王。

    As if she had been the chess champion .

  2. 我要勤学苦练,争取三年内获得棋王的称号。

    I will study hard and practice assiduously to win the title of " chess champion " in three years .

  3. 我几乎成了小有名气的“棋王”。

    I almost become a little famous " title " .

  4. 意识与无意识之间&从心理分析角度看阿城《棋王》及其创作生涯

    Between Consciousness and Unconsciousness & Ahcheng 's Master of Chess and His Writing Career

  5. 对美国国际象棋棋王鲍比·菲舍尔遗体的司法鉴定正在进行。

    Forensic testing is under way on the remains of American chess legend , Bobby Fischer .

  6. 《棋王》的道家文化生成语境和传统道家生成语境是相同的。

    The Taoist culture creating condition of " Chess King " was the same as one of tradition .

  7. 棋王通常「知道」正确的棋步,即使他们无法说清楚自己为什麽知道。

    Chess masters often know the right move to make even if they cannot articulate how they know it .

  8. 本文试从叙事学中的叙事时间这一角度入手,对阿城的小说《棋王》进行时距方面的研究。

    This article research the duration of the novel the king of playing chess , written by Acheng from narrative subject .

  9. 叙事时间的游戏&试谈小说《棋王》中省略与停顿的运用

    A game of narrative time & Discuss the usage of ellipsis and pause of the Novel the king of playing chess by A Cheng

  10. 2016年3月,谷歌的人工智能程序阿尔法狗在五轮对决中以4:1的比分战胜韩国棋王李世石。

    In March 2016 , Google 's artificial intelligence program AlphaGo scored a 4-1 victory over South Korean Go master Lee Se-dol in a five-round showdown .

  11. 王一生的“吃”与中国文化之间的关系,“棋”与中国文化之间的关系中可以探寻到《棋王》文本所体现出来的文化意识。

    Wang 's life ," eat " and the relationship between Chinese culture ," game " and the relationship between Chinese culture can be embodied in the text to explore the cultural awareness .

  12. 阿城的《棋王》是新时期小说中的经典作品,在现代语境中对道家理想人格的塑造是小说的核心取向。

    A Cheng 's the King of Chinese Chess whose core meaning is establishment of the Taoist ideal personality in the context of modernity is one of classical works among the New-age fictions .

  13. 卡尔森从13岁起就成了国际象棋大师,他在去年国际象棋世界冠军赛中挑战维斯瓦纳坦-阿南德并获胜,成为国际象棋棋王。

    Carlsen , a grandmaster since he was 13 , received non-stop television coverage in Norway when he beat defending champion Viswanathan Anand of India last November to take his first world title .