
chún xuè tǒng
  • pure blood;full blood
纯血统[chún xuè tǒng]
  1. 尽管她与其他的纯血统巫师有所不同,但是在最重要的方面,她与其他人别无两样。

    Although she is in some ways different from the pure blood wizards , in the most important ways she is no different at all .

  2. 韦斯莱家可永远不会原谅你嫁给一个纯血统!

    Granddad Weasley would never forgive you if you married a pureblood .

  3. 赫敏固执地说,我猜想他们大多数都是混血,却假装自己是纯血统。

    I expect most of them are half-bloods pretending to be pure .

  4. 我已经大开眼界了这马真漂亮纯血统杂交七岁左右吧

    I 'm already impressed.Beautiful pony.Thoroughbred mix , about 7 years old ?

  5. 因为虽然她是纯血统。

    Because even though she 's a pureblood .

  6. 他甚至都好像已经忘记了那套纯血统最高的鬼话。

    He even seems to have got over most of his Pureblood Supremacy bullshit .

  7. 哈利·特和他在学校的非纯血统的巫师朋友们完全没有弄清楚事情的前因后果和由来发展。

    Harry Potter and his non-pure-blood school chums , simply have no context for understanding what is going on and why .

  8. 以上论述的结论是,韦斯莱家是已知唯一幸存的纯血统家族,因为他们家有男性继承人。

    " By the conclusion of the series , the Weasley family is the only known pure-blood family to have several male heirs . " .

  9. 另外一个反对纯血统至上主义的最重要论据是,近亲繁殖可能导致其他不那么理想的基因结果,但那已经超出了本文的讨论范围。

    Also one of the weightiest arguments against extremist pure-blood elitism is that inbreeding could lead to heaps of other less fortunate genetic results , but that is outside the scope of this essay .

  10. 他是纯阿拉伯血统。

    He is of the purest Arab blood .

  11. 他夸耀自己有纯贵族血统。

    He boasted a lineage of pure blue blood .

  12. 总而言之,巴黎圣母院既不属于第一类纯罗曼血统,也不属于第二类纯阿拉伯血统。

    Notre-Dame de Paris is not of pure Romanesque , like the first ; nor of pure Arabian race , like the second .

  13. 在党内最高阶层中可以找到犹太人、黑人、纯印地安血统的南美洲人;任何地方的行政官员都总是从该地区居民中选拔。

    Jews , negroes , South Americans of pure Indian blood are to be found in the highest ranks of the party , and the administrators of any area are always drawn from the inhabitants of that area .