
  1. 请只给予我对你的莲花足的纯洁的爱。

    Give me only pure love for Thy Lotus Feet .

  2. 用肮脏的骄傲追求纯洁的爱。

    Wooing his purity with her foul pride .

  3. 康乃馨是她的母亲最喜欢的花和安娜认为,他们象征着纯洁的爱母亲。

    Carnations were her mothers favorite flower and Anna felt that they symbolised a mothers pure love .

  4. 全职的母亲是报酬最高的职业之一,因为母亲得到的报酬是纯洁的爱。

    Being a full-time mother is one of the highest salaried jobs because the payment is pure love .

  5. 但是,纯洁的爱在性质上并不会猛烈地、无情地长久燃烧。

    But it is not in the nature of pure love to burn so fiercely and unkindly long .

  6. 浅红色代表钦佩,深红色代表深深的爱和关怀。纯白色代表了纯洁的爱和幸运;

    On behalf of his admiration for light red , dark red on behalf of deep love and care .

  7. 此时此地,种族界线消失了只有爱,纯洁的爱存在。

    At that moment , in that place , the boundaries of race disappeared ; only pure love remained .

  8. 80后文学作品中的主人公既渴望寻求一份纯洁的爱又随意地对待两性关系。

    Figures in the " post-80s " literature are looking for a pure love and treat sexual relationship at random .

  9. 都很难捉摸,不过,梦里却充满了纯洁的爱和光明幸福的希望。

    They were all of them vague , but all of them full of pure love and of a sort of expectation of happiness .

  10. 世间上没有别的人象你那样,对我有纯洁的爱&因为我用一种如意的想法安慰自己,简,就是相信你的爱。

    There is not another being in the world has the same pure love for me as yourself & for I lay that pleasant unction to my soul . jane , a belief in you affection .

  11. 然而在这当中,英雄之间纯洁的爱却最终超越了旧世界的束缚,赞颂了自由人性的回归,并成为拯救世界的力量。

    But at the same time , the pure love between the heroes eventually has transcended the restraint of the old world , praised the return of free human feelings and become the force to save the world .

  12. 要是我信我无论在理智方面、思想方面、以及种种方面,都是对你怀着无条件的、纯洁的爱,那么,你也许就不会有这些苛刻的责骂了。

    These bitter accusations might have been suppressed , had I with greater policy concealed my struggles , and flattered you into the belief of my being impelled by unqualified , unalloyed inclination by reason , by reflection , by every thing .

  13. 正是这部优美的影片,和其中纯洁的少年爱,成了《托马的心脏》的灵感。

    It was such a beautifully filmed movie , and the love portrayed between these two boys was so pure , that was the inspiration for Heart of Thomas .

  14. 就像我对你纯洁挚热的爱。

    Like the pure and deep love I give you .

  15. 这真是财富心里的财富!一个纯洁、亲切的爱的源泉。

    This was wealth indeed ! - wealth to the heart ! - a mine of pure , genial affections .

  16. 在整个过程中更加深入的看到自己内在小我的存在模式和真我的美丽、纯洁、柔软的爱。

    It made me see more deeply how my ego exists and the beauty , purity & the soft love of the real me .