
  • 网络PureVision
  1. 目的通过成功纯视细胞移植,观察RCS鼠视皮质内抑制性神经递质γ-氨基丁酸(GABA)的分布和变化。

    Objective We observe the γ - aminobutyric acid ( GABA )′ s variation in the visual cortex of Royal College of Surgeons Rat ( RCS rat )′ s retina following the photoreceptor cell transplantation .

  2. 各品系血型基因纯合系数视血缘来源不同变化较大;

    The coefficients of homozygosity of blood group gene in these lines were also variant due to their different origin .

  3. 本文将这类只有虚的历史形态而无实的史实依据的纯虚构的作品视为并统称为新的历史叙事。

    In the thesis , the novels with real historical form but no historical facts will be named as " New Historical Narration " .