
  • 网络whistleblower;reporter
  1. 在去年举报者提出指控之后,GSK最初依赖于内部调查,辅之以外部法律和审计支持。

    After a whistleblower made allegations against the company last year , GSK first relied on an internal probe with external legal and auditor support .

  2. 董事会还应当评估监控、处理举报者投诉的方式。

    The board should also review the way it monitors and handles whistleblower complaints .

  3. 该奖励相当于从irs收取的每一美元中抽取2美分,受到了支持举报者的欢迎。

    The reward , which amounts to two cents for every dollar collected by the IRS , is being heralded by whistleblower advocates .

  4. Wikileaks是一个发布匿名信息和敏感文档的站点,支持激进主义者和举报者。

    Wikileaks is a site for publishing anonymous leaks and sensitive documents , supporting activism and whistle-blowing .

  5. Wikileaks是一个针对激进主义者,举报者和其他想要匿名发布政府、企业或其他组织希望保密的机密文档的人员的wiki。

    Wikileaks is a wiki for activists , whistle-blowers , and others who want to anonymously publish sensitive documents kept secret by governments , corporations , or other organizations .

  6. 该系统只能有效地运作,如果它提供保护举报者。

    The system can only operate effectively if it offers protection to whistleblowers .

  7. 第一,我们是否需要举报者?

    The first is whether we need whistleblowers .

  8. 我们知道此人是很有影响力的,我相信她的确是举报者。

    We know that person is very influential and I believed she was indeed the whistleblower .

  9. 知晓此案内情的人士透露,公司怀疑举报者是葛兰素史克以前的员工。

    The company suspected that the whistle-blower was a former Glaxo employee , according to people familiar with the case .

  10. 舒默说,他希望给举报者提供2.5万到2500万美元的奖励。

    Schumer said he wants to award people who come forward with information anywhere from $ 25000 to $ 25 million .

  11. 荷兰的举报者说他们并没有找到任何证据证实美国西北航空公司的此次航班存在恐怖袭击,并且计划释放那12名嫌疑人。

    Dutch prosecutors say they found no evidence of a terrorist threat aboard this northwest flight and plan to release the twelve suspects .

  12. 一位举报者先在网上看到了该逃犯的照片,不久又收看了那档颇受关注的电视节目。

    Sadler said that people who had first seen his picture on the dating site had subsequently seen it on the popular television program .

  13. 新法规划定了各的职责,了反走私工作的考核和问责制度,制定了举报者的奖励和保护措施的机制。

    The new regulation outlines departmental duties , an anti-smuggling assessment and accountability system , whistle-blower rewards and protection , as well as grassroots participation .

  14. 他们说,一个由国家赞助捕鲸的船上的举报者联系了他们,举报说:船员们已经非法的接受了整箱的的鲸肉。

    They said they had been contacted by a whistleblower on board a state-sponsored whaling ship where crew members were illegally receiving boxes of whale meat .

  15. 刑事悬赏是本质上侦查机关私法上的法律行为,行为的目的就是与举报者即刑事悬赏的相对人就犯罪信息进行交易。

    Criminal reward in nature is a legal behavior by civil law . The purpose of the behavior is to trade information about crime with the informers .

  16. 条款包括对举报者的国家保护,以及依法举报的奖励&在一个越来越喜欢打官司的社会中,如中国,这是一个强烈的激励。

    The provisions include state protection for whistle-blowers , as well as rewards for bringing legitimate cases – a strong incentive in an increasingly litigious society such as China 's.

  17. 这种机制的核心就是利益驱动,让举报者获利,让不法经营者和不积极履行职责者利益受损。

    The core of this mechanism is driven by interests , which benefit for informers and damage the interests for illegal operators and some people who do not actively fulfill their responsibility .

  18. 他的建议进一步支持了美国财政部和证交会的计划,即更加充分地利用举报者,以及每年如潮水般涌入监管机构办公室的投诉和线索。

    His recommendation reinforces proposals by the US Treasury and the SEC for making better use of whistleblowers and the thousands of complaints and tips that flood into regulators ' offices every year .

  19. 多伦多——周一,在一份措辞严厉的报告证实了一名俄罗斯举报者的说法,即政府下令在2014年的索契奥运会上作弊后,一些世界上最重要的反兴奋剂官员要求禁止俄罗斯参加今年夏天的里约奥运会。

    TORONTO - The world 's leading anti-doping officials on Monday called for Russia to be barred from this summer 's Rio Games after a damning report confirmed a Russian whistle-blower 's claims of government-ordered cheating at the 2014 Sochi Olympics .

  20. 最新付款将夯实他作为美国最高产连环举报者之一的地位,并给围绕这一制度的辩论提供素材——按照这一制度,人们有资格从他们帮助发起的案件中分得联邦和解款项的至多30%。

    The latest payout will reinforce his status as one of America 's most prolific serial whistleblowers and fuel debate over a system that entitles people to receive up to 30 per cent of federal settlements resulting from cases they helped instigate .