
  1. 据一家专门监测手机应用销量的机构AppFigures统计,这款游戏在热播剧《纸牌屋3》出现仅仅5小时之后,销量就一路飙升。

    Just five hours after its appearance on the hot TV series , the game 's sales began to spike , according to App Figures , an organization that tracks app sales .

  2. HBO正在开发数部《权力的游戏》衍生剧,以填补这部巨制留下的巨大空白,但大卫·贝尼奥夫和丹尼尔·威斯并未参与制作。

    HBO is developing a number of " Thrones " spinoffs to help fill the dragon-sized void left by the blockbuster drama , but Benioff and Weiss are not involved in those productions .

  3. 白金汉宫拒绝评论女王是否是《权力的游戏》的剧迷。

    Buckingham Palace declined to say whether the Queen is fan of the show .

  4. 《权力的游戏》一剧已经永远地改变了克罗地亚杜布罗夫尼克古城的旅游业;

    Game of Thrones has irrevocably changed tourism in the ancient Croatian city of Dubrovnik ;

  5. 电脑游戏的电视剧改编之所以存在,主要是因为电脑游戏与电视剧有着相当大的可通约性。

    The main reason for the existence of this kind of adaptation , which is the considerable commensurability between computer game and TV series .

  6. 喜欢史诗巨制比如《权利的游戏》的剧迷们有福了,电视剧《琅琊榜》将会带来最棒的视觉盛宴

    Fans of TV series who love thriller epics such as Game of Thrones have a treat in store with upcoming series Nirvana in Fire or Langya Bang .

  7. 电脑游戏到电视剧改编具有其自身的特殊性,电脑游戏之于在它之前的种种影视改编形式的原文本而言,具备着根本属性上和所处环境上的特殊性。

    However , it has its own specificities . Compared with other forms of adaptation before of the adaptation from computer game to TV series , which original text has a difference in fundamental property and social environment .

  8. 作为漫画作品中第一个反英雄角色,也是美国人民最喜欢的超级英雄之一的蝙蝠侠,他的形象多年来活跃于各种媒体之中,包括电影、游戏、电视剧等,其人物设定和剧情也经历了多次变化。

    Batman is one of America 's most beloved superheroes , and comic book 's first anti-heroes . Over the years he 's been in movies , video games and television and has gone through many changes . While virtually everyone knows something about Batman , there 's a lot that many don 't know .

  9. HBO《权力的游戏》系列电视剧刚开始的时候,许多人对史塔克的病房感慨万千。

    At the start of the HBO series , many had mixed feelings for the Stark ward .

  10. 《权力的游戏》和其他剧不一样,它引导了一种现象,HBO节目总裁MichaelLombardo在新闻发布会上说。

    ' Game of Thrones ' is a phenomenon like no other , HBO president of programming Michael Lombardo says in a press release .

  11. 阿里巴巴与狮门娱乐联合提供的流媒体服务将让用户欣赏到这家电影公司的影视内容,包括《暮光之城》(Twilight)、《饥饿游戏》及电视剧《广告狂人》(MadMen)。

    The streaming service offered jointly with Lions Gate will give users access to the film studio 's content , including several titles from the Twilight and Hunger Games franchises as well as the TV series Mad Men .

  12. 我现在玩的这种科幻电子游戏是根据电视剧《星际旅行》做的。

    I just got this new sci-fi game based on the Star Trek show .

  13. 在他最新提交的一份大学校园生活报告中,学生最喜欢的三项活动分别为:在线聊天、玩游戏和看电视剧。

    According to his recent report on college students ' lifestyles , chatting online , playing games and watching TV dramas are the top three favorite activities on campus .

  14. 爱情和死亡、复仇和忠诚、权力和顺从、贪婪和慷慨,这些故事主题与现实世界不谋而合,使得《权力的游戏》这部剧更贴近人心,也更有深度。

    The range of themes , love and death , vengeance and loyalty , power and submission , greed and generosity , resonates with the modern world and gives Game of Thrones relevance and depth .

  15. 给自己一个机会沉浸在有趣的事物中,看比赛、玩电子游戏、追电视剧、在网站上看图片,想怎么玩就怎么玩。

    Give yourself the opportunity to indulge in something that you find fun and enjoyable , whether its attending a sporting event , playing a video game , watching your favorite tv show , or looking at pictures on a social sharing site .