
  • 网络Game Night
  1. 43岁的穆雷(ChristopherMurray)是曼哈顿的一名社会工作者,他邀请他所有单身的同性恋朋友到自己的公寓共度游戏之夜。

    Christopher Murray , 43 , a Manhattan social worker , invited all his single gay friends to a game night at his apartment .

  2. 享受家庭游戏之夜。

    Have a family game night .

  3. GameNight游戏之夜宅家度假期间可以快乐地打游戏。

    Game Night is a fun way to spend the holidays at home .

  4. 我们是在Pepper酒吧的传奇游戏之夜上遇到的

    We met at one of pepper 's legendary game nights .

  5. 欢乐时光、游戏之夜以及其他聚会能让他们发现你有趣的一面。

    Go to happy hours , game nights , and other office get-togethers to show your fun side .

  6. 已有机会我便会和工作人员在巡演大巴车上搞“游戏之夜”。

    My crew and I have family board game night on the tour bus every chance that we get .

  7. 我们参加了游戏之夜、游戏机之夜、跟你们一起看导演评论版的电影。

    Yeah , we do game nights and video game nights and we watch movies with director 's commentary . Oh , my favorite .