
  • 网络The notebook
  1. 正在上映尼古拉斯斯巴克斯的《恋恋笔记本》

    is showing Nicholas Sparks 's " The Notebook . "

  2. 小说改编的电影《恋恋笔记本》已经成为了情人节的保留节目。

    Novel turned movie The Notebook is the ultimate Valentine 's Day go-to .

  3. 杰克(Jack)和菲利斯·波特(PhyllisPotter)是现实生活中英国版“恋恋笔记本”。–在他九十出头的时候,杰克·波特不想让他的爱人在老年痴呆的孤独里虚度光阴。

    Jack and Phyllis Potter are the real life British version - in his early 90s , Jack Potter refuses to let the love of his life slip away into the solitude of dementia .

  4. 这是尼古拉斯斯帕克斯自《恋恋笔记本》之后最好的作品!

    This is the best of Nicholas Sparks since The Notebook !

  5. 众所周知,《恋恋笔记本》是有史以来最浪漫的电影之一。

    The Notebook is well-known as one of the most romantic films of all time .

  6. 《恋恋笔记本》中诺亚写给艾丽

    Noah to Allie , The Notebook

  7. 我在用电话-你真的想去看《恋恋笔记本》?

    I 'm on the phone . - Really you want to see " The Notebook " ?

  8. 毫无疑问,《恋恋笔记本》探讨了如何打破束缚爱情的枷锁。

    The Notebook is , without a doubt , a study in breaking the rules that bind love .

  9. 而《恋恋笔记本》中的诺亚和艾丽绝对就是属于后者了。

    In the case of Noah ( Ryan Gosling ) and Allie ( Rachel McAdams ), it was definitely the latter . Timeless , epic , etc.

  10. 先是尼古拉斯·斯帕克斯写的小说《恋恋笔记本》,然后是尼克·卡索维茨执导的同名电影,描述的都是一个男人在复述一个故事。

    First a novel by Nicholas Sparks , later a movie directed by Nick Cassavetes , The Notebook tells the story of a man telling a story .

  11. 《恋恋笔记本》极好地讲述了一个丈夫每天读故事给老年痴呆的妻子从而唤醒她的回忆的故事。

    The Notebook famously tells of a woman who suffers from dementia and her husband who reads their story to her to remind her of her life .

  12. 但不管怎样导演卡萨维蒂还是值得赞赏的,是他把高斯林引入了我们的视线,因此我们才能欣赏到像《恋恋笔记本》这样的电影。

    But either way , he deserves credit for bringing Gosling into our radar . And because of that , we 're able to fully appreciate videos like this .

  13. 当然我读过他所有的书,看过所有他作品改编的电影虽然都很赞,但我还是要说只有《最长的旅行》才能和《恋恋笔记本》同登榜首。

    Oh course , I have read all his books and have seen all his movies & they are all great however , I will say The Longest Ride is at the top of the list with The Notebook .