
  • 网络love game;Galgame;lvg
  1. 克鲁杰写道,不可否认,一些交友软件将约会变成恋爱游戏。

    Admittedly , Kluger writes , some dating apps turn the whole dating experience into a kind of game .

  2. 机会只偏爱有准备的头脑,然而在大学中我们很多人的脑袋却只是在为恋爱和游戏做好了准备。

    The opportunity will be given to the people that well prepared , but so many university students just prepare for amativeness and games .

  3. 日本已经建立了一整套产业,从恋爱模拟游戏到度假屋来帮助那些逃避恋爱关系的男性打发寂寞。

    There 's an entire industry in Japan that helps men who eschew romantic lives cope with loneliness through relationship-simulating video games and even holiday retreats .

  4. 实在的恋爱绝不是游戏,也绝不是堕落的人生所能体验出其价值的,它具有引人向上的鞭策力,它也具有伟大无私的至上情操,它更是美丽的象征。

    True love is not a game . Nor can its true value be appreciated by the morally degenerate . True love spurs one on to higher attainment . It embodies the supreme quality of selflessness , and is , above all , symbolic of beauty .