
liàn qínɡ
  • Romance;love affair;amour;romantic love
恋情 [liàn qíng]
  • [love between man and woman;love] 眷恋之情;爱恋之情

  • 动人的恋情

  • 他对母校的房屋、树木、水塘有了故乡一样的恋情

  1. 他们在战争的背景下发生恋情。

    Their love affair was played out against the backdrop of war .

  2. 她和一位舞台设计师开始了一场狂热的恋情。

    She began a torrid love affair with a theatrical designer .

  3. 这段恋情使她非常伤心。

    The relationship caused her a great deal of heartache .

  4. 她公开夸耀与参议员的恋情。

    She openly flaunted her affair with the senator .

  5. 这对明星在现实生活中发展出恋情。

    The stars were having an offstage relationship .

  6. 她以向报纸公开他们的恋情要挟了他很多年。

    She blackmailed him for years by threatening to tell the newspapers about their affair .

  7. 制片人决定结束她在影片中与皮尔斯·劳顿的恋情。

    Producers decided to end her on-screen romance with Pierce Lawton .

  8. 他妈妈朱莉娅很快又开始了一段新恋情。

    His mother , Julia , soon moved on to a new relationship

  9. 我被一段自己并不喜欢的恋情困住了。

    I am stuck in a relationship which I don 't enjoy .

  10. 他背负着多重的感情包袱开始这段恋情?

    How much emotional baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship ?

  11. 他与一位已婚妇女产生了恋情。

    He became romantically involved with a married woman .

  12. 哪怕是再纯真的恋情她也能从中嗅出罪恶的味道。

    She could smell the taint of sin in the most innocent of passions .

  13. 人们会经历种种失落,恋情没有结果时的失落感便是其中之一。

    One of the ways people experience loss is when relationships don 't work out .

  14. 我们对这段恋情很谨慎。

    We were very discreet about the romance

  15. 丹蒂旗帜鲜明地谴责不正当恋情。

    Dante clearly condemns illicit love .

  16. 绝大多数十几岁少年的恋情都转瞬即逝。

    Most teenage romances are transitory .

  17. 我们刚刚开始的恋情结束了。

    Our budding romance was over .

  18. 杰里和丽丝知道他们的恋情会对别人造成伤害,但他们情难自已。

    Jerry and Lise know their romance inflicts hurt on others , but they can 't help themselves

  19. 这根本不同于她当年情窦初开时的恋情。

    It was nothing like her adolescent crushes .

  20. Watercoolergames指同事之间有关办公室政治以及同事间恋情等非工作相关话题的议论,我们可称之为“办公室八卦”。

    Watercooler games refer to discussions between co-workers , usually about non-work related things like office politics or suspected inter-colleague romances .

  21. 结束一段恋情后要改头换面,展现出全新的你。

    Have a makeover after end of relationship . And show off the new you .

  22. “捏造恋情”指的是虚假恋情,尤指为了增加知名度而捏造出来的恋情。

    Fauxmance is a fake romance , particularly one used to generate publicity1 for the participants .

  23. 恋情考验可能指以下情形:

    Relationship test may refer to :

  24. “朋友区间”指的是两个人之间的柏拉图式的友谊,其中一个人希望能和对方发展出浪漫恋情。

    Friend Zone is a platonic1 friendship between two people one of whom wants the relationship to be romantic .

  25. “到期约会”指开启一段有“截止期”的恋情,例如,其中一方不久就要搬走。

    Expiration dating refers to starting a relationship that has a defined end date ; for example , one of the people is moving soon . Example :

  26. 旅途恋情指的是发生在旅程或者度假期间的短暂的浪漫邂逅,表面上或者像是传统恋情,但没有更深的承诺。

    Locationship refers to a brief romantic encounter usually occuring while traveling or on vacation , occasionally outwardly resembling a conventional relationship , but without any underlying1 comittment .

  27. 人到晚年与伴侣离婚,跨入一段新恋情,这看起来像是翻开了人生的新篇章,但却会给健康带来很大风险。

    It may feel like a new lease of life , but those who divorce in their latter years and move into another relationship are seriously risking their health .

  28. 鲁伯特和乔治娅的恋情一直很低调,可能是不想跟粉丝分享这一消息,但在昨天他们在伦敦购物被拍到之后,就有了怀孕的传闻。

    Rupert and Georgia keep their relationship extremely private and possibly wouldn 't have shared the news with fans at all , but rumors doing some grocery shopping in London yesterday .

  29. 旅途恋情这一说法使用时略带负面含义,暗指这并非长久恋情,也并无太大意义,而纯粹是基于交往的便利以及两人的接近。

    The word locationship is often used with slightly negative overtones , carrying the implication that a relationship is not long-lasting and meaningful , but based purely3 on convenience and physical proximity4 .

  30. 当一个女人结束一段令人心碎的恋情之后,她也许会暂停和异性的约会,用一段时间来改善自己的整体健康状况,包括心理健康和外在容貌。这就是“爱情空窗休整期”。

    When a woman ends a heartbreaking relationship , she may give up dating with the opposite sex for a temporary period in an attempt to enhance her overall well-being , including her mental health and her physical appearance . This is called “ boytox period ” .