
  • 网络love
  1. 怎样引导大学生树立正确的恋爱观

    How to lead university students to acquire a correct love outlook

  2. 艺术类大学生恋爱观特点及教育对策

    The Features of Art College Students ' Love viewpoints and Education Policies

  3. 目的探讨青少年性健康现状,了解青少年性与生育健康知识、态度、行为(KAP)及恋爱观。

    Objective To investigate the status of sexual health of teenagers , and to understand their knowledge , attitude and practice ( KAP ) about sexual and reproductive health .

  4. 金牛座的你具备了一种特殊的恋爱观。

    Taurus of you had a kind of special in love with view .

  5. 做好大学生的恋爱观教育

    Education of University Students ' Attitude to Love Relationship

  6. 结论青少年恋爱观亟待加强和指导;

    Conclusion The teenager 's concept of amativeness eagerly need to be guided .

  7. 邓幺姑则以被爱的受动姿态去等待爱情,爱情是她生存的手段,这两种不同的恋爱观有其社会历史文化根源。

    The different views on love originate in the social and historic culture .

  8. 当代大学生应具备什么样的恋爱观

    What love viewpoint the present Colleges Students should have

  9. 军校研究生恋爱观现状及思考

    The reflections upon military university postgraduates ' love point

  10. 促使大学生形成正确的恋爱观。

    Urge the colleger form correct loce concept .

  11. 中日两国大学生性意识、恋爱观调查比较研究

    A Comparative Study on the Sex Consciousness and Love Outlook of Sino-Japenese College Students

  12. 大学生恋爱观及其与人格类型的相关研究

    A Study on College Student 's Love Values and Their Relationship with Personality Types

  13. 浅析当代大学生的恋爱观

    Discussion on the Love View of College Students

  14. 在第二节,对比了两位作家在婚姻恋爱观方面体现的不同女性意识。

    The second section compares the two writers ' different female consciousness in views of marriage .

  15. 大学生恋爱观的调查研究

    University students ' outlook on love

  16. 聋哑青少年学生恋爱观的研究

    Views about love among deaf teenagers

  17. 中医学生性观念、恋爱观及相关因素调查分析

    Sex Idea , Attitude towards Love , and Relevant Factors of Students of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  18. 好好想想你扮演什么样的角色,然后找一个和你恋爱观互补的人。

    Think about how you want to define your roles and find someone who complements that vision .

  19. 恋爱观是马克思主义人生观,价值观,世界观在情感问题上的具体体现。

    Marxist outlook on love is a specific embodiment of its outlook on life , values , world view .

  20. 爱情婚姻教育的内容包括恋爱观教育、婚姻家庭观教育及现代性别观教育。

    The contents include education in their viewpoints of love , marriage and family , as well as modern sex differences .

  21. 功利型恋爱观严重影响着女大学生的心理健康、学业和成才,败坏校风、学风和社会风气。

    The utilitarian love viewpoint influences the students'mental healthy , studies and grown up , defiles the environment of campus and society .

  22. 这种行为通过大学生在纪律、诚信、公德以及恋爱观等多个方面表现了出来。

    Uncivil behaviors are not uncommon on campuses , which are manifested through students'concepts of discipline , credit , social moral and love .

  23. 通过中日两国大学生性意识、恋爱观的调查分析,比较两国大学生在性意识、恋爱观方面的差异。

    The differences are compared and analyzed in the paper after a survey on the sex consciousness and love outlook of Sino-Japenese college students .

  24. 从思想认识、法律规范上,提高大学生树立正确的恋爱观,是当前教育中需解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to help to set up a right view-point of love is an urgent problem for the modern education to solve .

  25. 当代在校大学生的恋爱观和恋爱行为,不仅与其生源地有关,而且与高校所在的地理区位有关。

    Contemporary undergraduates ' attitude towards love and love behavior are not only related to their hometown but also the geographical location of the university .

  26. 山区地区学校的护生错误恋爱观人数显著高于沿海及中部地区学校。

    The number of nursing students who have wrong love viewpoint in the schools at mountain area was significantly higher than that at coastal and middle areas .

  27. 必须了解大学生恋爱观现状,才能有针对性地开展相关方面的心理健康教育,从而取得积极有效的教育成果。

    Only by understand the love concept of colleger , we can develop relating education about the health of psychology focally , thereby attain positive and effective achivement .

  28. 恋爱观具有很强的时代性,时代不同,恋爱观也不同。

    The view of love is provided with the strong ages at the same time , the age is different , and the view of love is different too .

  29. 为加强对学生恋爱观的教育,福州大学部分院系实行“恋爱实名制登记”,引起热议。

    In order to enhance students'outlook on love , some departments of Huzhou University carried out the " real-name registration on love affairs ", which led to a hot discussion .

  30. 我想我们的家长应当负起家长的责任,不能任由孩子想入非非,要引导子女树立正确的恋爱观。

    I think we parents should assume the responsibility of the parents can not let the children indulged , it is necessary to establish the right to steer their children .