
  1. 在出演艾米·舒默(AmySchumer)执笔的夏季喜剧《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)成功俘获众多影评人后,这位NBA巨星现在计划在大银幕和小荧屏上大展拳脚。

    After stealing critics ' hearts in the Amy Schumer summer comedy , Trainwreck , the NBA star is plotting more projects for big and small screens .

  2. 但是看看今年夏天吧,梅丽莎·麦卡西(MelissaMcCarthy)的《女间谍》(Spy),还有艾米·舒默(AmySchumer)的《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)——这些影片都赚了钱,这些女人也都是喜剧天才。

    But look at this summer , Melissa McCarthy with " Spy " and " Trainwreck " [ with Amy Schumer ] - those movies made a fortune and those women are comic geniuses .

  3. 费格曾执导电影《伴娘》(Bridesmaids),及即将上映的《超能敢死队》(Ghostbusters),阿帕图曾执导《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)和《一夜大肚》(KnockedUp),两人目前都是好莱坞喜剧界的中流砥柱。

    Mr. Feig ( " Bridesmaids , " the coming " Ghostbusters " reboot ) and Mr. Apatow ( " Trainwreck , " " Knocked Up " ) are now kingpins of Hollywood comedy .

  4. 继2015年的《生活残骸》之后,《空中大灌篮2》将成为勒布朗-詹姆斯的第二部大银幕作品。

    Space Jam 2 will follow LeBron James ' last big-screen role as himself in 2015 's Trainwreck .

  5. 生活残骸生活残骸现在是关于什么的是关于我的吗是的

    Trainwreck ? Now ... What 's it about ? Is it about me ? Yes , yes it is ,

  6. 但最近一部票房超1亿美元的爱情喜剧片还是三年前的《生活残骸》。

    Yet , the last time a rom-com broke $ 100 million in the US was three years ago with " Trainwreck . "

  7. 但是,Cortana对一些其他指令反应的确足够到位。比如提出“显示《生活残骸》(Trainwreck)的放映时间”这一要求,它会显示附近上映这部电影的几个影院的时间表。

    On the other hand , Cortana did respond adequately to some other commands , like " Show me showtimes for ' Trainwreck , ' " which loaded a schedule of movie theaters showing the movie nearby .

  8. 与此相反,没有良好的健康,希望作为一个雄心勃勃的人也可能最终成为一具现代生活的残骸。

    In contrast , without good health , ambitious and promising as a person may be , he will eventually turn out to be a wreckage of modern life .