
  1. 据中国媒体报道,数百名初中生因学校建在一座化工厂的旧址而患病,中国政府目前正对此事作出紧急回应,罕见地公开承认了国内棕地(brownfieldsite)的危险。

    Beijing is scrambling to respond to reports that hundreds of students at a high school built on the site of a former pesticide factory have become ill , in a rare case of public acknowledgment of the dangers of brownfield sites in China .

  2. 农村初中生因其特定的生长环境,网络成瘾的人不在少数。

    Because of the specific growth enviroment , network addition is not unusual among rural junior high school students .

  3. 一份白皮书显示,去年有约8000名中国留学生因成绩差被美国学校开除,估计占中国在美留学总人数的3%。

    A white paper said an estimated 3 % of Chinese students studying in the US - or about 8000 - were dismissed last year because of poor academic performance .

  4. 一段感情的开始或终结都会被各种谣传夸大和歪曲,这导致很多留学生因害怕流言的影响而徘徊在感情之外。

    The beginning or end of a relationship will be all kinds of rumors exaggerated and distorted , resulting in many students fear the impact of gossip in the emotional wandering outside .

  5. 分析它们的形成机理,可以划分出两个生因类型:一是三角洲斜坡上或同生断裂带的沉积物,在古地震等触发下发生滑动所致;

    An analysis of mechanism of their formation can classify them into two genesis types : one resulted from slip triggered by ancient earthquakes on the slope of delta or in growth faults ;

  6. 研究生因其群体构成的相对复杂性,其中由婚恋而引起的压力已成为影响其生活质量和身心健康不可忽视的新压力。

    Master graduates because of its groups constitute relative complexity , which caused by the marriage stress has become influence their quality of life simultaneously , physical and mental health also can not be ignored .

  7. 据《东南快报》周三报道,福建省福州市的一名高中生因爱吃方便面而被美国一所大学录取。

    A high school student in Fuzhou , Fujian province , has been admitted by a university in the US , thanks in part to his appetite for instant noodles , Southeast Express said on Wednesday .

  8. 一名护理生因家庭原因而被迫离开学校,最终他在纽约某高档公寓找了个做门卫的工作,在这里,他鼓舞了一位公寓里的业主。

    A nursing student ( Cross ) forced to quit school for family reasons winds up taking a job as a doorman in an elite apartment building in New York City , where he sparks to one of his residents ( Roemer ) .

  9. 问题生因其思想和行为上都存在与社会要求以及人的全面发展不相适应,在学习、纪律、道德品质等方面或多或少存在问题和障碍,成为了教育中的敏感话题。

    Problem students aren t fully developed and can t adapt well to the society due to their unhealthy thoughts and behaviors . They more or less have drawbacks in study , self-discipline and moral quality , which have now become sensitive topics .

  10. 试论我国制盐行业的发展方向历史文化名城自贡,千百年来,因盐而生,因盐而发展。

    Historic city Zigong has been growing with the development of salt industry in almost two thousand years .

  11. 因信得生和因信行事是我们所信圣道的两件重要的事。

    The two most important things in our holy religion are the life of faith and the walk of faith .

  12. 小白曾苦恋一个男孩十年,她对爱情的执着使她很难认同留学生中因寂寞而相恋的感情。

    White was a boy ten years Unrequited Love , love , her dedication to her students is difficult to identify the feelings of falling in love because of loneliness .

  13. 在英语的教学实践中我们概括出后进生差因所在,是由于他们的学习能力、学习方法、学习习惯和学习兴趣这四差所造成的。

    We have summed up the reasons why some less advanced students exist in English teaching practice . They are caused by learning ability , learning method , learning habit , and learning interest .

  14. 氮源浓度较低时,菌体生长和产物生成都会因氮源不足受到影响;

    Cell growth and product formation reduced at low nitrogen concentration .

  15. 河滩地是西部山区的重要土地资源,绝大部分山区河滩地因泥石流而生,又因泥石流的后期作用而可能消亡。

    Flood land is one of the major land resources in the western mountain area in China .

  16. 但是,外国外交人员在美国所生孩子不能因出生地在美国而成为美国公民。

    However , children born in the United States to foreign diplomatic officers are not entitled to U-S citizenship at birth .

  17. 还有一位姓陈的家长打电话到服务中心投诉说,他的儿子是一名初中生,最近因遭同学殴打而致使面部受伤。

    Another parent surnamed Chen called the center to complain that his son , a junior school student , received facial injuries from his classmate .

  18. 指出了因病生痰、因痰致病是痰病错综复杂的主要病因病机特点。

    It appointed that phlegm due to disease and disease due to phlegm were a main characteristic of cause and pathogenesis of complicated phlegm syndromes .

  19. 中国含油气盆地的生烃机制因生烃物质来源不同,可分为有机生烃、无机生烃及合成生烃机制。

    The hydrocarbon generation mechanism of China 's petroliferous basins could be divided into organic mechanism , inorganic mechanism and synthetic mechamism due to their sources .

  20. 植物内生细菌不仅因其抗病促生作用成为生防菌剂的重要来源,同时也是人、植物和动物疾病治疗新药开发的源泉。

    Because of antimicrobial activity and plant growth-promoting effect , endophytic bacteria become an important source of biocontrol agents and new drug for people , plants and animal disease treatment .

  21. 文化因人而生,人因文化而存;课程作为对文化的选择亦真切地感受到了文化的影响。

    Culture is created from man , and man subsists based on culture ; as a kind of selection of culture , curriculum also deeply feels the influence of culture .

  22. 尤其在研究生阶段,因课堂多以讲座形式展开,师生、生生之间的互动较少。

    In particular , during the stage of graduate education , courses are usually given in the form of lectures , which results in less intercommunion between students and teachers or students and students .

  23. 他靠剑而生,最后也因剑而亡。

    He who lives by the sword shall perish by the sword .

  24. 高中生父母教养方式因校际、生源地、家庭经济状况的不同而存在差异。

    The pattern vary with different schools , birthplace and their family financial conditions ;

  25. 高校体育专业健美操专选生运动损伤致因分析

    Analysis on Reasons of Exercise Injury for College Sport Major Students in Aerobics Teaching

  26. 但是从我们知道的关于物质现象的起因,我们可以推断结生时,物质因结生识而生起。

    However , from what we know about the cause of physical phenomena , we can infer that at conception materiality arises from rebirth-consciousness .

  27. 真正的纯生啤酒常常会因未经巴氏灭菌而残留一些酶类,其中蛋白酶A会破坏啤酒泡沫蛋白,从而使纯生啤酒的泡沫稳定性降低。

    Without Pasteurization , some of the ferments will remain in real draft beer , among which PrA could destroy foam protein and reduce the foam stability .

  28. 五味子在实际生产中多以实生苗为主,因人工栽培条件下五味子不易生根而且成活率低,且优良的株系无法进行扦插快繁。

    Because of the problems that low rooting rate and cutting rapid propagation in artificial cultivation condition , we have priority in Schisandrae chinensis seeding in practical production .

  29. 多年来均用实生繁殖,但因种子具有深休眠特性,出苗率极低。

    It has propagated itself by seeds for many years , but because of the long dormancy of the seeds , the rate of emergence is too low .

  30. 小说中的狐女阿绣黠慧豁达,多情多义,因追求荚而生爱,又因爱的奉献与付出而芙到极致。

    Smart and generous , the fox girl A'Xiu is both affectionate and loyal ; she fell in love in pursuit of beauty , and became a perfect beauty for her contribution and love .