
yuè lún
  • the moon;full moon
月轮 [yuè lún]
  • (1) [full moon]∶指圆月

  • (2) [the moon]∶泛指月亮

月轮[yuè lún]
  1. 皎皎空中孤月轮。

    Only the luminous moon in the sky is so lone .

  2. 半月月轮只能被看到一半时的月亮。

    The moon when only half its disk is illuminated .

  3. 在全食时,月珥凸出在月轮外围的太阳边缘上。这些凸出部分总是与月球的方向成直线。

    During totality , prominences protrude above the solar limb beyond the disc of the moon . These bulges stay constantly orientated in line with the direction of the Moon .