
  1. SIP是一个复杂的超常行为,它的调控机制涉及到神经兴奋、应激、焦虑和情感动机等多个环节。

    The mechanisms of SIP are complicated , which may widely involve neural activity , stress , anxiety , emotion and so on .

  2. 近几年国内研究者对防御性悲观进行了研究,主要集中在其概念的比较与部分情感动机方面的影响因素研究。

    In recent years , domestic researchers has begun studies on it , mainly focusing on concept comparison and such factors as emotional motivation that may affect it .

  3. 然而幼儿任何行为发生的关键都是激发行为的内部心理机制-情感动机。

    Nevertheless , any behavior of children happens or not lies on the inner psychological function , namely the emotional motivation , which will activize one 's behavior efficiently .

  4. 冷EF由相对抽象的、去情景化的问题引起,而热EF则是解决涉及情感和动机调节的那些问题所不可或缺的。

    Cool EF is bring with the problems without scene and comparatively nonobjective , but the hot EF is bring with the problems that deal with emotion and motivation .

  5. 新近研究指出,二语学习者的成功不仅是因为认知因素,例如语言能力,还因为情感,动机,个性以及其他等个人因素,(Carroll,1990;Ehrman&Oxford,1995)。

    Recent research has shown that the success of second language ( L2 ) learners is due not only to cognitive factors such as language aptitude , but also to affective , motivational , personality , and demographic factors ( Carroll , 1990 ; Ehrman & Oxford , 1995 ) .

  6. 相关的最新研究成果则在此基础上,增加了情感和动机、文化差异方面的因素。

    On this basis , the latest relevant research results have increased two factors that are emotion and motivation , cultural difference .

  7. 支持课堂中“教学互动”发生的主要因素有言语、情感和动机三方面。

    There are three main factors to support " teaching interaction " in the class , namely , speech , emotion and motive .

  8. 人际情感性动机导致病理性互联网使用行为模式的形成,并间接地对使用者的社会健康和心理健康产生消极作用。

    Social-Affective motive could lead to pathological Internet use behavior and then play indirectly negative roles in user 's social health and psychological health .

  9. 唤醒功能就是对情感的动机、组织与信号等机能进行培养、强化而使其具有的一种教育功能。

    Its waking function lies in the cultivation , strengthening of emotional motive , organization and signal in order to ensure its educational function .

  10. 基于信息获取性动机而使用互联网,其社会-心理健康水平较高,而基于人际情感性动机而使用互联网,其社会-心理健康水平较低。

    Compared with the undergraduates based on Social-affective motive of Internet-use , those based on Information-acquisition motive possessed higher level of Internet-related social-psychological health .

  11. 结果发现:(1)大学生互联网使用动机由信息获取性动机和人际情感性动机构成。

    The results were as follows : ( 1 ) The structure of Internet use motives of undergraduates consisted of 2 independent factors , i. e.

  12. 情绪情感是动机的源泉之一,它能够激励人的活动,提高人的活动效率。

    The mood emotion is one of the sources of the motive , it can encourage people 's activity , improve people 's activity efficiency .

  13. 在人类交流信息、情感和动机暗示的广泛能力之中,面部是其中最关键的组成部分之一。

    The face is one of the most vital components in the vast ability of humans to communicate information as well as emotional and motivational cues .

  14. 文化在个体形成自我感和自我同一性的过程中起到了至关重要的作用,并以此影响着个体的认知、情感、动机和行为表现等方面。

    Culture plays the most important role in the course of forming self-sense and self-identity of individual , and influences individual cognition , feelings , motive and manifestation of behavior .

  15. 他们的分歧在于,当我们放弃的实证主义立场,选择相互主观的角度的时候,还要不要探讨内在的情感、动机问题。

    They diverge at the crossroads , that is , when one gives up the positivist view and chooses the inter-subjective perspective , whether or not should he discusses the inner problems about emotions and motivations .

  16. 研究主要集中在学困生的情感(动机、焦虑、抑制、自尊)、学习策略、学习风格(视听觉学习风格、模糊容忍)以及他们的过去学习经历等几个方面。

    The research mainly focuses on the subjects ' affective factors ( motivation , anxiety , inhibition , self-esteem ), learning strategies , learning styles ( visual and audio styles , tolerance of ambiguity ) and their past learning experiences .

  17. 其中,委婉语的选择及使用要顺应语言使用者,心理世界(人的个性、情感、动机等)、社交世界(如性别、年龄、社会地位等)和物理世界等。

    The present study analyzed that euphemism is the result of adaptation to language users , to mental world ( such as personal trait , emotion and motivation ), social world ( such as gender , age and social status ) and physical world of the utterer and the interpreter .

  18. 88.那部情感电影的动机在于感动被开除的人。

    88 . The motive of the emotional movie is to move the removed men .

  19. 学习积极性涉及人的情绪、情感、学习动机及学习兴趣等诸多因素。

    Learning-activeness is concerned with many factors like people 's mood and feeling , their learning motive and learning interest etc .

  20. 研究发现,价格促销导致顾客价格敏感,淡化了顾客对厂商的信任、情感等内在动机,并对顾客的忠诚形成有负面影响;

    The research result shows that price promotion strategy is able to increase customer 's price sensitivity and effect on customer 's loyalty .

  21. 大学生学习动机的性别、年级、不同科类的差异;大学生专业情感与学习动机的关系。

    General level of learning motivation , difference of sex , grade and major , and professional emotion of college students were observed mainly .

  22. 该问卷涉及8个情感变量:动机、态度、自尊心、焦虑、冒险心、移情、抑制和性格的内外向。

    The questionnaire involves such 8 affective variables as motivation & attitude , self-esteem , anxiety , risk-taking , empathy , inhibition and extroversion / introversion .

  23. 学习个体之间的差异包括观念、情感状态、动机、个性、年龄、学习能力、学习风格与策略、性别等范畴。

    Individual learner differences consist of such categories as beliefs , affective states , motivation , personality , age , learning competence , learning style and strategy , and sex .

  24. 学生的个体差异,包括个性,情感,学习动机,学习能力以及学习风格等等也引起了教育者们的广泛关注。

    The individual differences of students , including personality , emotion , learning motivation , learning ability , learning style and so on also cause the wide attention of educators .

  25. 本文试图通过问卷调查的方式收集数据,重点考察情感变量中学习动机(motivation)、态度(attitude)及焦虑程度(anxiety)这三个变量对与民族高校大学生英语学习的影响进行研究。

    The purpose of this research is to investigate the affective variables of non-English majors focusing on three main affective variables : motivation , attitude and anxiety . They are discussed based on the questionnaire data collected in the two classes in Hubei Institute for Nationalities .

  26. 作为情感因素之一的动机,对学习者的语言学习起着至关重要的作用。

    As one of the affective factors , motivation plays a very important role in language learning .

  27. 网络心理调适主要表现为网络认识调适、网络情感调适、网络动机调适和网络心理承受力的把握。

    The regulation mainly involves network cognition network emotion , network motive and the grasp of psychological endurance of networks .

  28. 作为社会中的一个特殊群体,未成年人在认知、需求、情感、意志和动机五个主要心理要素方面都与成年人有着显著的区别。

    As a special social group , juvenile people are different from the adult in such five essential psychological factors as cognition , demand , emotion , will and motive .

  29. 在诸多情感因素中,动机、态度和语言焦虑与英语教学联系密切,并能通过课堂指导加以调节。

    Among them , motivation , attitudes and language anxiety are closely related to the English language teaching ( ELT ) and can be adjusted by the instruction in classroom .

  30. 在学校教育中,不仅应该重视智力的培养和提高,而且应该重视对学生情感、意志、动机和人格等重要心理素质的教育和培养。

    In school education , we should attach importance to cultivate not only the students'intelligence , but also the students'men-tal quality , such as emotion , volition , motivation and personality etc.