
  1. 发挥生产厂家优势提高后勤装备维修的军事经济效益

    On improving the military economic effectiveness of logistics weaponry maintenance

  2. 论军事经济效益评估中的信息取得

    Collection of information in the evaluation of military economic benefit

  3. 饮食保障社会化改革的军事经济效益分析

    An analysis of military economic benefit in the socialization of food and drink

  4. 地空导弹装备伪装的军事经济效益分析

    Analysis of Military and Economic Efficiency for the Camouflage of Ground-to-Air Missile Weapon

  5. 备件保障决策对军事经济效益影响分析

    An analysis of the influences of accessory provision decisions on military economic benefits

  6. 国防建设工程军事经济效益评价指标体系初探

    The indices system of military economic efficiency evaluation of national defense construction projects

  7. 装备封存具有显著的军事经济效益,是装备管理的重要内容。

    Seal packaging of equipment is of remarkable military and economy benefit , and also an important issue of equipment management .

  8. 深化后勤保障改革,提高军事经济效益和综合保障能力。

    The reform of logistical services must be deepened to achieve better performance of the military economy and provide more effective comprehensive support .

  9. 该方法操作简单,经济实用,一旦广泛使用,无疑将会有很好的军事经济效益。

    This method is operated simply has a practical application with a low cost , it will bring out great military and economy benefit in common use no doubt .

  10. 科学、合理分配装备购置费,对加强新时期装备建设和提高军事经济效益具有重要的现实意义;

    It has great significant to attribute the equipment purchase expenditure scientifically and reasonably , to strengthen the construction of equipment in the new period and to improve the military economic benefit .

  11. 通过与常规试验方法相比,其提高试验效率6倍多,试验结果分析也更科学合理,军事经济效益明显。

    Comparing with the general testing method , it increases 6 times testing efficiency . Analysis of test result is more scientific and more reasonable ; its benefit of military economy is obvious .

  12. 经过几年的发展,虽然军队后勤电子商务取得了不错的军事经济效益,但是在管理和应用方面还存在诸多问题。

    After several years ' development , there are still many problems in the management and the application in the military logistics E-commerce , although this E-commerce has made good economic benefits for the military .

  13. 对此动态过程进行模拟分析,结合优化技术,定量分析各种输送方案的军事经济效益,为组织计划联合战役油料输送提供有效的决策支持。

    We can analyze this dynamic process with simulation and optimization technology , quantitatively evaluate the military and economical efficiency of all kinds of transportation methods and get the effective decision support for combined campaign oil transportation .

  14. 我军训练模拟器材起步较晚,但发展较快,目前有大量武器模拟训练系统装备,在部队训练中发挥了巨大作用,取得了较大的军事经济效益。

    Military training simulators started late , but rapid development , there are a large number of weapons simulation training systems and equipment , training in the armed forces played a significant role , the military has made great economic benefits .

  15. 本文在短波无线传真系统方面进行了研究和探讨,目前已取得了一定的军事和经济效益。

    In this paper the HF radio fax system was discussed , it has brought about some economic benefit .

  16. 其中的部分研究成果已成功应用于某型飞机的颤振试飞试验数据分析,产生了显著的军事和经济效益。

    The research results are partly applied to new aircraft flutter testing , and achieve great military and economy benefit .

  17. 该系统可代替实车完成技、战术训练,产生了显著的军事、经济效益。

    The system can be substituteed for the real spraying vehicle to complete the technical and tactical training and has produced remarkable benefit .

  18. 作战模拟器装备的投入使用产生了巨大的军事和经济效益,其软件是实施作战模拟的关键因素。

    The use of combat simulator equipment brings great defense and economic benefit , and the software is the key point to combat simulation .

  19. 关于军事经济管理与效益问题的若干思考

    Reflections on military economic management and benefit

  20. 在飞机拦阻网中应用该自动立网系统能够提高飞机安全着陆的可靠性,有着重要的军事意义和经济效益。

    This auto net setting up system is used to ensure landing safety , it is significant on military affairs and economy .

  21. 该系统的研制成功实现了我国俄式战机进场着陆的自主保障,具有重大的军事意义和经济效益。

    And the system has brought our army the independent security in the landing of Russian Pattern Fighters , with a great military and economic benefit .

  22. 指挥自动化系统仿真对我军指挥自动化建设和指挥自动化人才的培训具有较高的军事效益和经济效益。

    The Training & Simulation system of Shore-based Naval Command and Control ( TSCCS ) is of great military and economic benefit to building our Command and Control System and training our automation talents .

  23. 文章通过对军队引入第三方物流带来的军事、经济以及社会效益分析,结合我军后勤保障的特点提出了“战略辅助,区域依托”的初期引入模式和对TPL企业的要求。

    Combining with the characters of PLA 's logistics , it also brings some demands to the TPL corporation and a new introducing mode which asks TPL to assist in tactic and to be rely on regionally .

  24. 目的:评价军事医学计量的经济效益,揭示军事医学计量投资的经济作用。

    Objective : To evaluate economic benefits of military medical measurement .

  25. 其机动性能好,能够及时有效地对X线机机头实施就地维修,具有较高的军事、社会和经济效益。

    It shows high military , social and economic benefit because of its good maneuverability in timely and efficient maintenance on the spot .

  26. 在应急作战军事物流配送系统中,配送方案优化问题是一个价值非常高的问题,优质的配送方案能够产生可观的军事和经济效益。

    Optimization project deserve discussing further in the system of military logistics distribution in the emergent campaign . High quality optimization project would make a considerable military profit .