
  • 网络system penetration
  1. 三是系统渗透数学学科元认知知识;

    The third , systemically input the knowledge of mathematics metacognition .

  2. 反滤系统渗透流失土颗粒级配的显微图像分析法

    Microscopic image analysis method for grading of eroded soil particles from filtration system

  3. 采用某填埋场淤堵试验资料,经验证表明,该方法精度较高,将灰色模型引入填埋场衬垫系统渗透系数预测切实可行。

    With the data from laboratory tests of landfills , the method is proved to be reasonable and feasible .

  4. 最后根据该实验结果讨论了水库地震中水沿断裂系统渗透过程中渗透水的前锋形成高孔隙压力而触发地震的机制。

    Lastly , based on the experimental results the mechanism is discussed , which triggers an earthquake with high pore pressure formed by front of permeable water in the process of it permeating along fault system during a reservoir earthquake .

  5. 信息技术、网络技术的高速发展和后PC时代的到来,使得嵌入式系统广泛渗透到控制领域的各个方面。

    With the rapid development of the information and network technology , we come into the post era of PC , and embedded system has been infiltrated into all aspects of the control fields .

  6. 实验中,A柱(100%粘土)和C柱(10%沸石+90%粘土)防渗系统的渗透系数均达到了大多数国家承认的10-7cm/s数量级的最低标准。

    In the experiment , the compacted clay liner systems in Columns A , ( 100 % clay ) Column C ( 10 % zeolite + 90 % clay ), achieved hydraulic conductivity values of the order 10-7 cm / s which is the maximum limit permitted by most countries .

  7. 目前嵌入式系统已经渗透到我们生活中的每个角落,工业控制,交通管理,信息家电,家庭智能管理系统,POS网络及电子商务,环境工程,机器人等等,几乎无所不及。

    Currently embedded systems have penetrated into every corner of our lives , industrial control , traffic management , information appliances , home intelligent management system , POS network and e-commerce , environmental engineering , robotics , etc. , almost less than nothing .

  8. 水处理系统反渗透膜的污染及清洗方法

    Contamination and Cleaning Method of Reverse Osmosis Membrane of Water Treatment System

  9. 高压电力系统谐波渗透及谐波限制值的确定

    Harmonic Penetration and Determination of Harmonic Limit Values for a High-Voltage System

  10. 模拟干旱胁迫对枣树幼苗的抗氧化系统和渗透调节的影响

    Effects of Simulated Drought on Antioxidative Enzymes and Osmotic Regulation in Zizyphus jujuba Seedlings

  11. 三峡库区森林流域生态系统土壤渗透性能的研究

    Soil Permeability Capability Research on Yangtze River Three Gorges Reservoir Area Forest Watershed Ecosystem

  12. 烟草幼苗根系抗氧化系统对渗透胁迫的生理响应

    Physiological responses of the antioxidant system in the roots of tobacco seedlings under osmotic stress

  13. 从消费类的电子产品到各种工业设备,嵌入式系统已渗透到了我们日常生活的各个角落。

    From consumer electronics to a variety of industrial equipment , embedded systems have penetrated into our daily lives .

  14. 随着信息技术与网络技术的发展,嵌入式系统已经渗透到生活的各个领域,并得到广泛的应用。

    With the development of information and network technology , the embedded system is applied widely in all kinds of fields .

  15. 随着智能化、信息化嵌入式技术的不断发展,嵌入式系统已渗透到日常生活中的方方面面。

    With the intelligent , information-based continuous development of embedded technology , embedded system have penetrated into every aspect of daily life .

  16. 同时也考虑了排水系统的渗透性,给出渗流量、作用在衬砌上的水压力以及衬砌–地基长期的水力相互作用。

    The long-term hydraulic lining-ground interaction including the relationship between the amount of leakage and the water pressure on the lining is studied .

  17. 近年来,各种各样的新技术应运而生,分布处理的技术也从多个处理机的系统领域渗透到数据库技术中,并掀起分布式数据库研制与开发的热潮。

    In recently years , various kinds of new technologies have been springing up like mushrooms , one of which is distributed processing technology .

  18. 针对盐胁迫影响光合作用的几个重要方面进行了综述,主要包括盐胁迫对植物光合器官的形态结构、光合作用过程、抗氧化系统以及渗透调节物质等方面。

    The Advances in the effects of NaCl stress on photosynthesis in plant were reviewed including photosynthetic organs , photosynthetic process , antioxidative system and contents of osmotic regulation .

  19. 随着通讯技术、网络技术和半导体技术的飞速发展,Internet技术正在逐渐向工业控制和嵌入式系统设计领域渗透,实现Internet互联这是当前嵌入式系统发展的热点领域和重要方向。

    With the development at fall speed of communication technology , network technology and semiconductor technology , Internet technology design to industrial control and embedded system field permeate gradually .

  20. 2个供试品种的抗氧化系统对PEG-6000渗透胁迫的反应存在一定差异。

    A certain difference existed between the two cultivars tested in the response of their antioxidant system to the osmotic stress .

  21. 同时通过突变分析、定量逆转录聚合酶链反应(qRT-PCR)研究了EnvZ/OmpR二元系统在应对渗透压力中的作用。

    Roles of the EnvZ / OmpR two-component system in response to various stresses were investigated with mutational analysis , quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR ( qRT-PCR ) .

  22. 科学技术是生产力系统中的渗透性因素。

    Science and technology is a permeating element in productive force system .

  23. 小流域森林生态系统林地土壤渗透性能研究

    Soil Permeability Research on Small Area Forest Watershed Ecosystem

  24. 一般包括预处理系统、反渗透装置、后处理系统、清洗系统和电气控制系统等。

    Generally include pre-treatment system , reverse osmosis , post-processing system , cleaning system and electrical control systems .

  25. 该文介绍了超滤技术,分析了超滤技术应用于海水淡化预处理的技术优势,考察了超滤系统在反渗透海水淡化预处理工程中的运行情况。

    Ultrafiltration techniques are introduced in this paper . Advantages of ultrafiltration applied in the pretreatment of seawater are analyzed .

  26. 随着网络在中国内地的高速扩散和对社会系统的深入渗透,对网络社会资本及相关理论的研究,或许可成为未来一个新的研究课题。

    With the high-speed diffusion and in-depth penetration of Internet in Mainland Chinese , social capital in cyberspace and its related theories would be a new meaningful research topic in the future .

  27. 提出教师应注重资源策略意识的培养,在训练中应注重系统性和渗透性,应加强对学生资源策略使用状况的评价。

    Teachers should pay attention to train students ' consciousness of resource strategy . In the training , teachers should attend system and osmosis and strengthen evaluation about the situation of students ' using resource strategy .

  28. 特别是Web应用技术的出现,更是促进了管理信息系统更加深入地渗透到社会各个领域中去。

    The population of Web application technology especially accelerates the implementation of MIS in every field of the society .

  29. 随之后PC时代的到来,嵌入式系统已经广泛地渗透到大众生活,是继IT网络技术之后,又一个新的技术发展方向。

    Arrival of PC era , the embedded system has already widely permeated through masses ' life , is another new technological developing direction following IT network technology .

  30. 与2009年同期相比,当Windows7还只是四个礼拜大的时候就显示了新操作系统更大的渗透力:然后,售出的Windows装置中有83%有了最新的版本。

    A comparison with the same period in 2009 , when Windows 7 was also just four weeks old , showed far greater penetration of the new OS : then , 83 % of Windows devices sold had the newest version .