
  • 网络Kaspersky Lab;kaspersky.com.cn
  1. 由卡巴斯基实验室进行的调查发现,91%的消费者坦承依赖互联网和数字设备作为记忆和大脑存储功能的延伸。

    Survey conducted by Kaspersky Lab showed that 91 percent of consumers can easily admit their dependency on the Internet and devices as a tool for remembering and an extension of their brain .

  2. 本周,两家外国杀毒软件公司——俄罗斯的卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)和美国的赛门铁克(Symantec)——也被排除出中国的政府采购名单。

    This week , both foreign antivirus software companies in China , Kaspersky Lab of Russia and Symantec of the US , were also struck off the list .

  3. 卡巴斯基实验室(kasperskylab)的数据显示,4月,社交网站取代金融机构,成为钓鱼攻击的头号目标。

    In April , social networks replaced financial organisations as the top target of phishing attacks , according to data from Kaspersky lab.

  4. 美国国土安全部(DHS)表示,将禁止联邦机构使用卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)的软件,理由是担心卡巴斯基与克里姆林宫之间有关联。

    The US Department of Homeland Security said it was banning software from Kaspersky Lab from being used by federal agencies , due to concerns over links between Kasperky and the Kremlin .

  5. 尽管俄罗斯存在问题,但克劳利教授认为该国在“低资本化”行业发展科技公司方面还是有一些成功,比如Yandex和私有的数据安全集团卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)。

    Despite the problems in Russia , Prof Crawley argues the country has still had some success in developing tech companies in sectors with " low capitalisation , " such as Yandex and Kaspersky Lab , a privately held data security group .

  6. 网络安全公司卡巴斯基实验室(KasperskyLab)的资深安全研究员戴维•埃姆(DavidEmm)称,当时黑客开始大举攻击手机。“当时,手机数据变得有盗取价值,从那以后手机恶意软件呈指数级增长,”埃姆称。

    That is when hackers began serious attacks on mobile phones , says David Emm , principal security researcher , at Kaspersky Lab , a cyber security company . " At that point , the data became worth stealing , and since then growth has been exponential , " Mr Emm says .

  7. 文件将被发送到卡巴斯基实验室进行分析。

    The file will be sent to Kaspersky Lab for analysis .

  8. 感谢您与卡巴斯基实验室的技术支持!

    Thank you for contacting Kaspersky Lab Technical Support !

  9. 卡巴斯基实验室侦测到多个变种马基斯,一个多态病毒,目前正在广泛蔓延。

    Kaspersky Lab has detected that multiple variants of Kido , a polymorphic worm , are currently spreading widely .

  10. 不要忘记说明的完整版本卡巴斯基实验室的产品和认真填写所有的注册信息。

    Don 't forget to indicate the full version of the Kaspersky Lab product and carefully fill in all the registration information .

  11. 当用户启动一个程序,检查它的服务对白名单和紧迫的检测系统的名单上卡巴斯基实验室的服务器上。

    When a user starts a program , the service checks it against white lists and Urgent Detection System lists on Kaspersky Lab 's servers .

  12. 卡巴斯基实验室的高级安全研究员戴维·埃姆补充说,人们需要尽快改装受支持的操作系统。

    David Emm , a senior security researcher at Kaspersky Lab , added that people need to move to a supported operating system as soon as possible .

  13. 卡巴斯基实验室的知识基础和论坛有英文和中文,和游客到现场可以直接通过当地的技术支持联系。

    Kaspersky Lab 's knowledge base and forum are available in English and Chinese , and visitors to the site can get immediate technical support via local contacts .