
  • 网络System Login;system of entry
  1. 不依赖于操作系统登录ID与客户端的ClearCaseID相匹配

    No dependency on the operating system login ID matching the ClearCase ID on the client

  2. 支持系统登录设置之后,RationalDOORS用户认证会确认,使用的用户与登录到操作系统之上的用户是同一个人。

    With the system login setting enabled , the Rational DOORS user authentication confirms that the user is the same one as the user logged into the operating system .

  3. 基于WebServices系统登录日志的实现

    Realization of System Entry Log Based on Web Services

  4. 基于指纹识别的Windows系统登录模块的设计

    An implementation of Windows logon module based on fingerprint recognition

  5. 系统登录确认检查需要RationalDOORS数据库的支持。

    A system login conformity check needs to be enabled for the Rational DOORS database .

  6. 为RMIINBOUND系统登录配置添加自定义登录模块。

    Add the custom login module to the RMI_INBOUND system login configuration .

  7. NOVELL网络系统登录底稿在实验教学中的应用

    The Application of Novell System - login - script in Lab Teaching

  8. 系统登录会使用到诸如源ID(SID),认证的域和系统用户名之类的信息,所以要考虑到安全问题。

    The system login uses information such as source ID ( SID ), domain and system user name for authentication , so it is considered secure .

  9. 使用基于UML的MSVISIO对系统登录、基础数据设置、员工信息、单证信息、综合查询等部分模块建立用例模型、设计类图、顺序图。

    To use UML-based MS Visio establish use-case model , design class diagram , sequence diagram for system registry , the basic data set , employee information , documents and information , inquiries and other part of the integrated module .

  10. 通过TF-A与系统登录需求的其他安全性设置

    Additional security through TF-A and system login requirements

  11. 分析了传统SSO产品的原理和不足,提出对应用系统登录过程所需的两类信息进行分离解耦,在利用XML和USB身份认证方式的基础上,实现应用系统的登录过程共享与自动登录。

    This paper analyzed the principles and drawbacks of traditional SSO products . It separated the two types of information which is needed through login procedure of applications , and realized auto-login with sharing information of login procedure based on XML and USB authentication .

  12. 系统登录信息放在这。

    Log all the mail messages in one place .

  13. 对于设置工作的系统登录来说,必须要满足以下的要求

    For the system login setting to work , the following conditions must be met

  14. 高级一点的可能会使用现有的操作系统登录身份进行身份验证。

    A more advanced one might validate identity using an existing operating-system login identity .

  15. 菜单的功能包括两大类:一是系统登录,二是基础信息维护。

    The main menu has two kinds of function , system login and basic information maintenance .

  16. 自定义登录模块和登录配置可以作为系统登录或应用程序登录的一部分。

    Custom login modules and login configurations can be either part of system login or application login .

  17. 系统登录、应用程序登录

    System login , application login

  18. 系统登录需要配置应用服务器,而应用程序登录则需要配置应用程序。

    System logins require configuration for the application server , while application logins are configured for applications .

  19. 发送服务器的系统登录模块和实用工具类(例如,回调处理程序和回调)。

    System login modules and utility classes ( for example , callback handlers and callbacks ) for the sending server .

  20. 系统登录模块管理主要是对用户的登录信息的管理,包括对用户名和密码的管理。

    The system login module mainly tries to manage the login information of the user , including the user name and password .

  21. 本文中主要阐述的是聊天室的研究、制作过程,主要包括系统登录、聊天信息浏览、聊天管理等功能。

    This article describes the main chat room in the research , production process , including logging , chat information browsing , chat and other functions .

  22. 该部分包括系统登录、巡检命令发布、数据查询、航班及天气信息查询等功能。

    This part includes some functions such as login , inspection order promulgation , data query , scheduled flights query , weather query and so on .

  23. 系统登录在应用服务器中进行预定义,并用于内部登录过程(例如:RMI/IIOP入站、出站)。

    System logins are predefined in the application server and are used for internal login processes ( for example : RMI / IIOP inbound , outbound ) .

  24. 对系统登录模块、管理员管理模块、日志管理模块等相关功能模块进行系统设计和代码编写。

    Login module on the system , the administrator management module , the log management module and other related functional modules carry out system design and coding .

  25. 不仅对不同类型的用户授予不同权限,而且采用中间业务逻辑层组件作为登录组件,实现对系统登录的检测。

    The strategy hot only assigns different rights to different users , but also uses the business logic middleware as the login component to realize the detection of system logins .

  26. 采用存储加密和传输加密两种方式对数据进行加密,系统登录根据级别进行用户身份验证,重要数据设置备份和自动恢复功能。

    The storage system uses encryption and encrypted transmission of both data encryption . The system is based on the log-level user authentication , data backup and there are set to resume automatically .

  27. 论文详细描述了各个业务功能的设计实现,包括系统登录、功能菜单、施检登记、现场查验、移动执法、政务动态等。

    The paper described in detail the design and implementation of various business functions , including system log function menu , inspection facilities registration , on-site inspection , mobile law enforcement , government affairs dynamic . 5 .

  28. 以具体实例阐明了网络登录原稿的建立过程及具体步骤,给出了服务器分为多个卷时建立系统登录原稿及用户菜单制作的一般方法。

    This paper illustrates in details the process and the concrets steps of establishing of the login script , and gives the method of establishing the system login script when the server has many volumes and making the user menu .

  29. 在功能方面主要有系统登录管理、人事基础数据管理、绩效工资核发管理、绩效工资查询管理、文本信息管理、系统维护等6个模块。

    Its main functions are : the management of logging in to the system , personnel base data management , management of accounting and distributing performance-related pay , management of inquiring performance-related pay , text information management , system maintenance and so on .

  30. 管理员通过系统登录界面进入系统操作界面,其具体功能有查询、添加、修改、删除图书信息和读者信息、借书和还书、密码修改、管理留言板。

    The administrator entrance the system operation interface through the system login interface . The function include inquiry , add , modify and delete the books ' information and readers ' information , lend books and return books , change the password , management the message board .