
  1. 记住重设会清除所有的内容和设置,重设之前请全部备份。

    Note that this will erase all settings-perform a full backup beforehand .

  2. 我们注意到不少企业都会花费极高的成本和精力来对品牌标志进行重新设计。对一家大型企业而言,一个典型的品牌标志重设会花费两年的时间以及1.5到2千万美金的金额。

    A typical redesign can take up to two years and cost $ 15 million to $ 20 million for a large company .

  3. 公司设董事会秘书。

    The board of directors of the company shall have a secretary .

  4. 股份有限公司设董事会,其成员为五人至十九人。

    A company limited by shares has a board of director with five to nineteen members .

  5. 第十条:公司设董事会,董事会是公司的最高行政、财政管理之权力机构。

    Article ten : the board of directors of the company is the top-level administrative and financial management authority .

  6. 不设董事会的,由股东作出书面决议,并加盖股东印章。

    If there is no board of directors , the shareholder shall make a written resolution and affix seal thereto .

  7. 有限责任公司不设董事会的,执行董事为公司的法定代表人。

    Absent a board of directors , the executive director of a limited liability company shall be the legal representative thereof .

  8. 不设董事会的企业可由执行董事签署有关文件;

    In case there is no board of directors in the enterprise , relevant papers shall be signed by the executive director ;

  9. 竞选联合校董会董事。合营公司设董事会。董事会是合营公司的最高权力机构。

    Running for the school board . The joint venture shall establish the Board of directors which is the highest authority of the joint venture company .

  10. 公司设董事会、总经理、管理者代表和几个主要部门、层次简洁,职责分明,管理直接有效。

    We set up directorate , general manager , representative of menager and some key departments , the administrative struture is simple and the management is highly efficiency .

  11. 未设董事会秘书的,挂牌公司应指定一名具有相关专业知识的人员负责信息披露事务。

    In absence of such a secretary of board of directors , the company-in-name shall appoint a person with relevant professional knowledge to be responsible for information disclosure .

  12. 第四十五条:有限责任公司设董事会,其成员为三人至十三人。

    Article 45 A limited liability company shall have a board of directors , which shall be composed of not fewer than 3 but not more than 13 directors .

  13. 前者又称为单层委员会制,是指公司治理机构设置股东大会和董事会,不设监事会。

    The former system is also known as the single-committee system , which installs the Board of shareholders and none of the board of supervisors in the corporate governance institutions . Executive Board not only does business but also performs the functions of monitoring business performance .

  14. 目前,对于金融监管职能从央行中分离出来专设银监会,央行和银监会分别就货币政策和金融监管各司其职的探讨正在逐步深入。

    Nowadays , discussions are going deep referring to the separation of the financial supervision function from the central bank to form a specific organ , bank supervision committee , and the separate execution of monetary policy and financial supervision by the central bank and bank supervision committee .

  15. 将字段设为主键会自动将字段定义成唯一的。

    Setting a field as the primary key automatically defines the field as unique .

  16. 为冬季体育运动而设的奥运会。

    An olympics for winter sports .

  17. 为船、艇比赛而设的运动会。

    A meeting for boat races .

  18. 四心圆法测设椭圆曲线会造成点位偏移,图形变形。

    Setout ellipse curve with the traditional method of four-center will bring up offset of point and deformation of chart .

  19. 要记住在定时器开始后重设间隔属性会导致当前计数为0。

    Keep in mind that resetting the Interval property after the timer has started will reset the current count back to zero .

  20. 如果我们没有吧能量的最低值,设成零会怎么样?我的意思是,能量最低值是任意的?

    What if we hadn 't arbitrarily set the zero of energy equal to zero ? I mean , it 's arbitrary , right ?

  21. 设立法团校董会意向通知书

    Notice of Intention to Establish Incorporated Management Committee

  22. 重设信任密码可能会解决此问题。您是否想要重设信任密码?

    Resetting the trust passwords might solve the problem . Do you want to reset the trust passwords ?

  23. 重设密码的指示会寄到您所输入的电邮地址(电邮地址和使用者名称一样)。

    A e-mail with the instructions will be sent to the e-mail address you enter , which is same as your username .

  24. 按照这一模式,工人代表占据公司监事会一半的席位,另设管理层董事会,负责公司业务的日常运作。

    Under this model , workers'representatives fill half the seats on firms'supervisory boards . A separate management board is responsible for running the business day to day .

  25. 特此通知,本办学团体是下述筹办中的学校的办学团体,现欲为该校设立法团校董会。

    Notice is hereby given that we , the sponsoring body of the under-mentioned planned school , intend to establish an incorporated management committee in respect of the school .

  26. 那个坐在我旁边的男生“亚设”,总是会抽出一块关键的板,让跟在后面的我非常难办。

    The boy sat beside me who named Asher always could pull out the critical block making the tower so unsteady for me , so I was the one who would topple the stack .