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  1. 他的双眼深不见底,犹如两湾棕色的深潭。

    His eyes were like bottomless brown pools .

  2. 深不见底,对吧?

    It just keeps going on , doesn 't it ?

  3. 海水颜色是暗灰绿色,深不见底。

    The color of the sea dull gray-green and bottomless .

  4. 一晚上,他唯一能看到的就是深不见底的峡谷。

    In the night all he couls see was a bottomless abyss .

  5. 《冰裂缝》深不见底、令人恐惧的裂缝。

    Ice crack The Ice crack is bottomless and frightening .

  6. 一泉水的爱,可能深不见底

    A well of love , it may be deep

  7. 这深不见底的地方要抽掉多少废水?

    How much drilling wastewater is being pumped deep into the earth here ?

  8. 我只是想鼓励你去忘记过去深不见底的背叛深渊。

    I want to encourage you to see past that bottomless sense of betrayal .

  9. 成匹、成条或成小块图案的刺绣品,不见底布的

    Embroidery without visible ground , in the piece , in strips or in motifs

  10. 无底深渊;深不见底的湖泊。

    A bottomless pit ; a bottomless lake .

  11. 但环绕着那些明星的却是深不见底的空虚和寂寞

    But , all of those stars were surrounded by unfathomable , empty loneliness .

  12. 如果水深不见底,跳进去时脚先落水,不要俯冲下水。

    If you can 't see the bottom , jump in , don 't dive .

  13. 它很清凉,深不见底。

    It is cool and fathomlessly deep .

  14. 花钱买东西来塞进我们心中那个深不见底的黑洞,

    It 's about spending money to buy things to stuff into the giant black sucking hole

  15. 坚决的右派分子,在一个时候,在一些单位,可以把水搞得很混,使我们看不见底。

    For a time die-hard Rightists may have muddied the waters in some organizations so that we could not see to the bottom .

  16. 列奥尼达以强烈的行动拒绝这项合约,包括以丢进一个深不见底洞穴来处决一堆向波斯亲好的人。

    He firmly declines the deal by spearing and then throwing a bunch of Persian yes-men into what appears to be a bottomless pit .

  17. 图片中这个深不见底的大洞被当地人称为“地狱之门”,位于乌兹别克斯坦一个叫做达尔瓦兹的小镇附近。

    The picture of this bottomless hole has been known locally as " Hell 's Gate ", located in Uzbekistan near the small town called darwaz .

  18. 雕绣一种透雕细工刺绣,它图案的中空部分被挖去成匹、成条或成小块图案的刺绣品,不见底布的

    Openwork embroidery in which the ground fabric is cut away from the design . Embroidery without visible ground , in the piece , in strips or in motifs

  19. 我寻求爱,其次是因为爱能解除孤独——在这种可怕的孤独中,一颗颤抖的良心在世界的边缘,注视着下面冰凉、毫无生气、望不见底的深渊。

    I have sought it , next , because it relieves loneliness --- that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss .

  20. 不过在一项实验中,使用“不见底”的碗喝汤的人在且安全没有意识到的情况下,会比使用正常大小碗的人多喝掉近73的汤。

    But in one experiment , diners giving a ' bottomless bowl ' which automatically refilled with soup , ate 73 per cent more than those given normal bowls - and didn 't even realise it .

  21. 这是个塞满了高浓缩世界的宇宙,满眼疯疯癫癫的地形,高耸入云的山峰,还有让人心跳停止的峡谷;好多月亮裂成了碎片,化成海马,化成突立尖利的裂缝,化成静静起伏的大洋和深不见底,急速旋转的景象。

    It was a universe of densely enfolded worlds , of wild topographies , towering mountain peaks , heart stopping ravines , of moons shattering off into sea horses , hurtful blurting crevices , silently heaving oceans and bottomless hurtling hooping funts .

  22. 那些在被遗弃的日本城市中,缺乏基本生存必需品的大学生们,应该感谢当时永无止境的饥饿,感谢那时深不见底的绝望,还有保障人们生存的基础设施的匮乏——是这些鼓舞着安藤百福发明了杯面。

    College students in need of cheap sustenance can thank the endless food lines , desperation , and lack of surviving infrastructure in the wasted cities of Japan for giving Momofuku the inspiration and drive to develop his signature Cup of Noodles .