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  1. 并不存在可以表明不唯禁欲计划指导保护了参加试验者免受疾病侵扰的证据。

    There was no firm evidence that abstinence-plus instruction protects against disease .

  2. 素描作为造型艺术的基础,应是为各画科服务的。国画专业的素描教学要利用明暗,但不唯明暗;

    As the foundation of the plastic arts , the sketch should serve each drawing subject .

  3. 这项研究考察了关于防止艾滋病感染的不唯禁欲计划的39例试验。

    The study reviews 39 scientific trials of abstinence-plus programs with the aim of preventing HIV infection .

  4. 其次,不唯煤,超越煤,抓住当前机遇,发展第三产业。

    Secondly ," not only coal , transcend coal ", seizing the current opportunity , develop the tertiary industry .

  5. 在理论层面上,正确认识理论与实际关系,立足实际运用马克思主义;不唯上唯书,坚持独立思考中国革命问题;

    On the theory , he correctly realized the relations between theory and practice and clearly grasp China 's actual conditions .

  6. 第二章,不唯上、不唯书、只唯实的务实经济思想。

    Chapter II , " not just a question of , do not rely on only focus is " pragmatic economic thinking .

  7. 不唯中西只求先进&论海派建筑文化的社会生成

    Only Seeking the Advanced , Whether from the Western or the Chinese & A Discussion on the Social Formation of the Architectural Culture of Shanghai Style

  8. 此乃因为身体不唯是人的外在工具,而是人本身的一个真实部分。

    This is because the body is no mere extrinsic instrument of the human person , but truly part of the personal reality of the human being .

  9. 阐述中不唯文艺理论之一隅,旁求语言学、文字学、史学、考古、社会学、人类学、心理学中的相关观念和知识来尽量还原意范畴生成的文化环境,以期能够深入把握其内涵。

    It restores the cultural context not only in field of literary theory , but also in domains of Linguistics , philology , history , archeology , sociology , anthropology and psychology , which may give it a deeper and multi-dimensional perspective .

  10. 不劳可得唯贫困。

    Nothing to be get without pain but poverty .

  11. 逃避自由最常见的方法是随波逐流,无时不地唯时尚是从。

    But the most occurring mechanism to escape freedom is , being everywhere in vogue , conformism .

  12. 对保罗来说,最重要的事是,如果上帝不总是唯信称义,上帝不再忠诚与亚伯拉罕的契约。

    For Paul the most important thing is , if God wasn 't always justifying people by faith and God was not faithful to the original covenant to Abraham .

  13. 天下武功,无坚不破,唯快不破。

    In the world of kungfu , speed defines the winner .

  14. 他不在身边唯使她愈益渴念。

    His absence only intensified her longing .

  15. 那种认为感觉经验是与命题唯一相关的实证主义成了一种不可能的唯我论,因为感觉经验本身在语言中可以被约简掉。

    Positivism who thought that sense and experience be exclusively related to the proposition became impossible solipsism , this is because sense and experience can be reduced in actual languages .

  16. 第三章对体育中心总体设计的现状进行调研、分析并得出发展中的体育中心与其总体设计不适应的唯象理论;

    A present condition for to total design in center in athletics proceeds the investigation , analysis and have to set out the athletics in the exhibition center to adapt to with its total design not of but elephant theories ;

  17. 职业不分贵贱,唯才适用!

    A career open to all talents , without distinction of birth .

  18. 经验论最后走向了怀疑主义和不可知论,唯理论往往要求助于上帝才能保证知识的客观性。

    Empiricism moves to skepticism and agnosticism at last . Rationalism often asks for God to guarantee the objectivity of knowledge .