
  • 网络Bori
  1. 当初,他不里我,后来渐渐对我友好。

    At firsthe ignored me completely , but gradually he started warming up to me .

  2. 只打开其中一个箱子,不往里看,然后拿出一个水果。

    Opening just one box , and without looking inside , you take out one piece of fruit .

  3. 我想,人生有时会像“劣画”,那并不是太坏的,如果能在不完美里,看到完美的话。

    Life is at times just like a " Bad Painting " . Not bad at all if you could see the goodness out of it .

  4. 干吗不在家里为你的朋友们搞个聚会?

    Why not throw a party for your friends ?

  5. 要是能找到足够便宜的地方,我就不在校园里住了。

    I 'm going to live off campus if I can find somewhere cheap enough

  6. 在不粘煎锅里将油加热,然后倒入鸡蛋糊。

    Heat the oil in a non-stick frying-pan , then pour in the egg mixture .

  7. 他们生活在一种令人感到幽闭恐惧的不健康氛围里。

    They lived in an unhealthily claustrophobic atmosphere

  8. 我昨晚想要和你联系,但好像你不在家里。

    I tried to get in touch with you yesterday evening , but I think you were out

  9. R:没人接。对不起,她不在房间里。

    R : There 's no answer . She 's not in her room , I 'm sorry .

  10. 有些人害怕不认识小组里的其他人。

    Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group .

  11. 鸟儿飞行时看不见屋子里的景象。

    When the birds were flying , they couldn 't see into the rooms .

  12. 的主人,自由自在,你为什么不常到井里来游玩游玩呢?”

    Why don 't you come often to play in the well ? "

  13. Paul不喜欢家里有很多人,不过管他呢,我照样要办。

    Mary Alice : Paul never likes to have people over but the heck with him I 'm doing it .

  14. 提示:文本转自普特英语听力论坛,感谢普特众版主的辛苦整理大清早的我不在商场里,我感到自己非常脱节。Jacky,在“黑色星期五”,你通常会去商店吗?

    OK , now I am feeling really since I am not at a store early in the morning , Jacky do you traditionally hit the stores Black Friday ?

  15. 这个系列是不规则阵容里一个特殊的视觉展示,要知道Bendet在这古怪学院风上花了相当多的时间呆在图书馆里,差不多和她在城里的时间一样。

    It was a specific vision for a sprawling lineup , but keep in mind that Bendet 's eccentric academic spends as much time out on the town as she does in the library .

  16. 即使我回不到车里。

    Though I wouldn 't make it back to the car .

  17. 她不在房里也不在花园里。

    She is neither in the kitchen nor in the garden .

  18. 他们不知道袜子里将会有什么东西。

    They didn 't know what would be in their stockings .

  19. 为什么不在缆车里观赏田野风光呢?

    Why not view the wild scenery from the cable car ?

  20. 它不象花园里的小溪那样潺潺汩汩。

    It does not ripple like a brook in a garden .

  21. 后来她们发现那狗不在狗窝里。

    Then they saw the dogs weren 't in the pen .

  22. 也有些人认为这是因为女性经不住办公室里的巧克力机的诱惑。

    Other may suggest its the temptation of the office chocolate machine .

  23. 那时候,孩子不到地里干活是不行的。

    In those days they could not spare the children from fieldwork .

  24. 这个公司所有结了婚的服务员可以不住在公司里。

    All married servants are allowed to live out in this company .

  25. 你们怎么不在厨房里准备我们的宴会呢?

    Why aren 't you children in the kitchen preparing our dinner ?

  26. 当时我不在屋子里。

    I was out of the room at the time .

  27. 我在干什么,她又不在冰箱里。

    What am I doing ? She 's not in the refrigerator .

  28. 我真的不喜欢暗地里背着他做事。

    I really don 't like going behind his back .

  29. 顿悟了!尽管我不在浴池里。

    Eureka ! Except I wasn 't in a bathtub .

  30. 她从来看不见水池里的脏碗碟。

    She never saw the dirty dishes in the sink .