
  1. 放羊的结果却不可小觑。

    The result of " sheep-herding " cannot be underestimated .

  2. 如今开源软件在GIS领域发展的很快,并且逐渐形成了一股不可小觑的力量。

    Nowadays open-source software in the GIS field is developing very fast , and gradually forms an essential power .

  3. 从长远看,其战略价值不可小觑,安倍表示。此言可能有助于影响美国国会中对于是否授予奥巴马(Obama)快车道谈判权限举棋不定的共和党人。

    Long-term , its strategic value is awesome , said Mr Abe , in a message that may help sway congressional Republicans wavering about whether to give fast-track negotiating authority to Mr Obama .

  4. Rosenberg引用著名人类学家MargaretMead的一句话:一个虑事周全,全力以赴的小团体是不可小觑的,他们也许能改变世界。

    Rosenberg quotes famed anthropologist Margaret Mead : Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful , committed citizens can change the world .

  5. 其实当克拉维茨加盟PhoneDog的时候,他已经是硅谷的一位颇有名气的科技评论者,影响力不可小觑。

    Moreover , when he joined phonedog , Kravitz was already a popular Silicon Valley technophile with plenty of influence .

  6. 在创作者RobertKirkman的剧集中Carl会成为不可小觑的一股力量和救世军的希望。而AMC的前75集是全部是按照原作者的思路来走的。

    The version of Carl in creator Robert Kirkman 's comic series continues to be a force to be reckoned with and the future of the new world , as the source material is roughly 75 issues beyond where the AMC adaptation sits .

  7. 它们的作用往往是双重的,意义不可小觑。

    The roles of these machines are significant and dual .

  8. 这是开源的一个不可小觑的益处。

    That is a not-so-trivial benefit of open source .

  9. 经济增长促进城市化,城市化反过来也对经济、社会的发展产生不可小觑的影响。

    Economic growth facilitates urbanization and urbanization also accelerates economic and social development .

  10. 作为两种不同的信仰形态,他们对民众都产生了不可小觑的影响。

    As two different beliefs to the people they form produced reckoned influence .

  11. 他比较了解情况,他的建议不可小觑。

    He ought to know and his advice should not be taken lightly .

  12. 但是科技促生出了一个我认为不可小觑的现代趋势。

    But technology is producing one modern trend that I find particularly important .

  13. 这一切已经转化为一门不可小觑的生意。

    That has translated into a real business .

  14. 研究意义,不可小觑。

    The research significance can not be ignored .

  15. 腰带的作用也不可小觑,修身第一法宝。

    Belt 's role should not be overlooked , cultivating the first magic weapon .

  16. 东扩的回报可能极其诱人,但代价也不可小觑。

    The rewards may be irresistible , but going east comes at a price .

  17. 除了自然因素外,人为因素对生态环境的影响更是不可小觑。

    In addition to natural factors , Man-made factors affecting can not be more .

  18. 但恰恰就是这些微粒,它们对功能性机械以及电子零部件的影响不可小觑。

    But precisely these particles , their functional mechanical and electronic components can not be affected .

  19. 财政在经济生活中发挥的作用不可小觑。

    Therefore , the role that finance plays in the economy system should not be underestimated .

  20. 英文新闻网站逐步成长为我国对外传播媒介中一支不可小觑的力量。

    English-language news site is a force to be reckoned with in the foreign media in China .

  21. 身为可能是天谴军中最巨大可怖的存在,梅格纳斯的力量绝对是不可小觑的。

    Maybe the most tremendous being on the Scourge , Magnus is a power to be reckoned with .

  22. 网络营销因为互联网产业的发展成为一个不可小觑的新型营销形式。

    The network marketing has become a very important marketing form with the development of the Internet industry .

  23. 聚焦由女性参与创立或运营的高增长企业:榜样的力量不可小觑。

    Spotlight high growth businesses co-founded or run by women : the impact of role models cannot be overestimated .

  24. 作为中国古代诗歌不可或缺的一部分,隐喻的作用不可小觑。

    Metaphor is the indispensable part of Chinese ancient poetry ; therefore its function is to be reckoned with .

  25. 民族国家男性建构转向中的自恋和残余的依恋机制,在这里微妙发挥了不可小觑的作用。

    The narcissism and remnant attachment mechanism in national masculinity played an important role which couldn 't be ignored .

  26. 人类为善的潜力没有尽头,但为恶的能力也不可小觑。

    So we humans have an extraordinary potential for goodness , but also an immense power to do harm .

  27. 同时他们召唤妖兽助战的能力也是不可小觑的。

    Simultaneously they summon the ability which the monster beast helps in the fighting also are cannot be belittled .

  28. 综上所说,“市民科学”是一项不可小觑的研究项目。

    All told , it should prove that citizen science is an approach that is not to be sneezed at .

  29. 另一方面,犹太人的作用也不可小觑,犹太人也为宣言的发表作出了巨大贡献。

    Meanwhile , the role of the Jews should not be overlooked , they made a great contribution to the declaration .

  30. 但是,随着金融工具在上市银行中的广泛应用,其对上市银行的影响不可小觑。

    But , as financial instruments listed bank in the wide application of listed Banks , its influence cannot small gaze .