
  1. 还有很多其他能够反映汉字演变过程的例子。

    There are many other examples reflecting the development of Chinese writing .

  2. 第三,汉字演变过程中增繁加旁、字形讹变等,造成一些形声字有两个或两个以上构件与字义或字音有关;

    Thirdly , more than two parts have relation with the meanings or pronunciation of the characters because of adding parts and false changes in the evolving process of Chinese characters .

  3. 在我看来,汉字演变,由繁至简是一种必然,但并不意味着是那些所谓精英们的闭门造车。

    In my opinion , the development of the characters from complex to simple is inevitable , but it does not mean that so-called elites make cars behind the closed door .

  4. 试论汉字字体演变及其研究

    Trial Remark on and Study of the Evolvement of the Chinese Character

  5. 形象的汉字字形演变轨迹,帮助你理解和记忆汉字。

    Vivid display of the evolution of Chinese characters from pictograms to modern versions helps you understand and retain Chinese characters easily .

  6. 从汉字的演变过程,我们可以看到,汉字的总体发展趋势是有繁至简。

    From the evolution of Chinese characters , we can see , the overall trend is that Chinese characters are complex to simple .

  7. 随着汉字的演变,有的独体字做偏旁时,形体上有所变化,它们已不再单独成字使用了。

    In the process of the development of the Chinese characters , some of the single-element characters have been used as radicals , whose forms and structures have been modified .

  8. 作为汉字发展演变过程中的一种特殊而又普遍的存在形式,异体字由于其形义联系的多样性而在历史文化的蕴涵传载中被赋予了特殊的历史意义。

    The variant forms of Chinese , a linguistic phenomenon which is both common and particular in the creation and development of Chinese , has been attached great importance by scholars of all times .

  9. 阐明汉字词的演变与特点,根据其特点提出具体的翻译方法与技巧,以减少错译。

    Above all , this essay explains the evolution and characteristics of Sino-Korean . Then , according to that , it brings up the specific methods and skills of translation in order to reduce mistakes .

  10. 所有曹操宗族墓群的文字砖对研究汉魏时期社会状况,汉末的思想文化,中国古代汉字书体的演变等是极具价值的。

    All these text bricks are extremely valuable for studies of the social conditions in Han and Wei Dynasties , the ideology and culture in the late East-Han Dynasty , the evolution of ancient Chinese chirography .

  11. 讲解汉字的古今演变,旨在通过向学生介绍汉字的结构理论,使学生能够对汉字的构词方式、汉字的演变及古今汉字的特点有一个系统的认识。

    Interpreting the evolution of Chinese Characters aims at that let the students systematically understand the formation , evolution and features of ancient and modern Chinese Characters by introducing the structural theory of Chinese Characters to students .

  12. 第三部分对《说文》中的犬部字体与甲骨文、金文、隶书、楷书中从犬的字进行比较研究,梳理和探讨汉字发展及其演变规律。

    Part III carries out comparison research on the character Quan Part and complying with Quan Part in inscription on oracle bones , inscriptions on ancient bronze objects , Li calligraphy , regular script , carding and investigation and discussion Chinese character development and their evolution law .

  13. 汉字的形成、演变经历了一个漫长的过程,其汉字图形化设计也随之发生着相应的变化,表现出丰富多样的视觉效果。

    The formation of Chinese characters evolved through a long process , the character graphic design also will place the corresponding changes in the performance of a variety of visual effects .

  14. 作为记录现代汉语的文字符号体系,现代汉字从古代汉字发展演变而来。

    Modern Chinese characters function as the writing symbol of the modern Chinese language . It originated and developed from the ancient characters .

  15. 形近现象的产生与早期汉字的造字方法、汉字字体的演变过程和汉字的简化都有着密不可分的关系。

    The emergence of the similarity has a relationship with the building of early Chinese characters , the evolution of Chinese character fonts and the modern simplification of Chinese characters .

  16. 日语用汉字和假名混和表记,假名又由汉字演变而成。

    Japanese is made up of Chinese characters and kana , and kana is developed from Chinese Characters .

  17. 1∶25万喀纳幅、日土县幅地质调查成果与进展日语用汉字和假名混和表记,假名又由汉字演变而成。

    1 ∶ 250 000 Kana and Ru to g Sheets in Xizang Japanese is made up of Chinese characters and kana , and kana is developed from Chinese Characters .

  18. 异体字研究,是汉字本体研究的一个重要方面,也是研究汉字形体演变的一个切入点,同时对汉字的整理和规范化工作也能起到一定的推动作用,有着重要的现实意义。

    Research of the variant form , a character study of an important aspect of ontology is to study the evolution of Chinese characters as a starting point the law , while the consolidation and standardization of Chinese characters work can play a certain role , has important practical significance .

  19. 汉字的断代测查要整理和描写不同历史层面汉字的构形系统,理清汉字个体字符历史演变。

    The dynastic survey of Chinese characters contains the arrangement and description of different dynastic Chinese writing system .