
  • 网络the natural
朴拙 [pǔ zhuō]
  • [simple and sincere] 质朴;纯真敦厚

  1. 观光农业环境&景观规划中的朴拙之美

    Agri-Tourism : The Natural Beauty in the Landscape Planning

  2. 问候不必然要留心其事,但必然要朴拙感。

    The regards shouldn 't be so careful but it must be sincerely to be moved .

  3. 红山文化古玉器,朴拙而智慧的艺术造型;精湛而独特的加工工艺;神秘而深厚的文化内涵;这一切,无不为世人所震惊。

    The ancient jade articles shock people all around the world for its amazing artistic style as well as its beautiful craftwork and mystification .

  4. 在现今人造物质资源丰富、信息资源爆炸的年代,追求朴拙、单纯的美感成为一种新鲜的风尚在设计领域渐渐漫延开来。

    At the age of abundant artifacts and information , pursuing simple and rustic beauty becomes a new style in the design field gradually .

  5. 金笨阅光阴,歉支的时令,愿我最朴拙的笑容陪伴您,深深的恭喜您,国庆节快悲欣乐,手蔚灿烂腾达!

    Autumn years , the harvest season , I wish the most sincere smile with you , deeply wishes you happy National Day , cause brilliant TOUCH DOWN !

  6. 他的美学思想开启了重自然、朴拙的美学传统,给我国后来的美学发展以深远影响。

    His aesthetics opinions started our traditional Aesthetics , that is putting emphasis on the natual and plain things . It has a great influence on our later development of Aesthetics .

  7. 它们反映了东汉人们朴拙、滞重但又不乏生机、坚韧的生存状态。

    These all reflected in the Eastern Han Dynasty such special social environment the ancients simple and unadorned , is sluggish but does not lack the vitality , the tenacious survival condition .

  8. 具体来讲,在毕业创作中借助中国画艺术表现的自由度,并吸收西方现代思维或吸收民间朴拙而强烈的艺术手法,或者借鉴平面构成的某些元素进行探索与实践。

    Specifically , the degrees of freedom by means of Chinese painting art in the graduation creation , and absorbs modern western thoughts or absorb folk sincere and strong artistic skill , or some elements from the plane constitute the exploration and practice .

  9. 当时他已经七十多岁,在半个世纪的艺术生涯中,几乎经历了每个流派的发展,到了生命的暮年,却又回到了初心。他朴拙笔触下的风景更像梵高,而不是毕加索。

    His career had traced almost every new development in art for half a century , and then , nearing the end of his life , he returned to the beginning , to landscapes with rough brush strokes , more like van Gogh than Picasso .

  10. 朴而拙:从远古时代的审美印记看壮族文化生态美的风尚文艺复兴,琶莎手表灵感创新,时尚技术和高等审美组合的黄金时代。

    Simplicity and Immaturity : Studying the Zhuang Ethnic Minority Culture-Ecological-Aesthetic Vogue in Remote-Antiquity Aesthetic Trace ; The Renaissance . The inspiration of the Pulsar Collection . Timepieces that incorporate the most modern technology and the high aesthetics of the Golden Age .