
  • Park Yu Chun
  1. 虽然先前两人已经到了谈婚论嫁的地步,但最近JYJ成员朴有天与黄荷娜还是对外宣布了分手的消息。

    Even after talks of marriage , JYJ member Park YooChun recently called it quits with Hwang Hana .

  2. 朴有天将继续作为JYJ的一名成员参加活动,并在即将到来的六月召开一场粉丝见面会。

    Park YooChun will continue his activities as a member of JYJ , while a fan meeting is scheduled to take place this upcoming month of June .

  3. 朴有天,27岁,创作型歌手、模特、演员

    Park Yu-chun , 27 , singer , songwriter , model and actor

  4. 黄荷娜发表声明称,今后自己将仍旧是朴有天的粉丝,并且支持他。

    Hwang Hana has stated that she will continue to be a fan of YooChun and support him .

  5. 特点:无论身着时髦正装还是休闲毛衣,朴有天都被贴上了“阳光男孩”的标签——温柔、体贴,同时拥有令人无法抗拒的笑容。

    Characteristic : Wearing a dashing suit or a casual sweater , Park is labeled as a sunshine boy who is sweet , considerate and has an irresistible smile . Aloof

  6. 两人分手的消息对大多数人来说并不是太过意外,因为先前黄荷娜就曾在社交媒体账号上说过她没有结婚的计划,同时还把她从朴有天那里收到的礼物还了回去。

    But the news doesn 't come too big of a surprise to most people since Hwang Hana had already stated through her social media account saying she ' has no plans of marriage ' while also returning a gift she received from Park YooChun back to him .