首页 / 词典 / good


bù lùn
  • whether ... or;regardless of;no matter;irrespective of;not elaborate on
不论 [bù lùn]
  • [not elaborate on] 不进行深入讨论、考察或评论

  • 是好人多还是坏人多,他就置之不论了

  • (1)

  • [regardless of;irrespective of]∶表示条件或情况不同而结果不变,下文多用都、总与它呼应

  • 不论是教师,还是学生,都应该努力学习

  • (2)

  • [no matter]∶无论,不管

  • 不论你走到那里,都别把我忘了

不论[bù lùn]
  1. 不论年龄多大,都可以按这套方案来减肥。

    No matter what your age , you can lose weight by following this program

  2. 该中心向所有人开放,不论种族和宗教信仰如何。

    The centre is open to all , no matter what race or creed .

  3. 我说什么她都不论对错一概接受,这倒惹我不耐烦起来。

    Her uncritical acceptance of everything I said began to irritate me .

  4. 不论对错,他们觉得应该让他们了解到更多的情况。

    Rightly or wrongly , they felt they should have been better informed .

  5. 不论发生的是什么事,她都会证明他是错的。

    She would prove him wrong whatever happened .

  6. 所有申请者,不论其年龄、性别、宗教信仰及国籍,都可考虑。

    All applicants will be considered regardless of age , sex , religion or nationality .

  7. 任何人,不论宗教、肤色或信仰,都可以加入。

    It takes in anybody regardless of religion , colour , or creed

  8. 我们不论何时都欢迎顾客来信。

    We are always pleased to hear from our customers .

  9. 他不论笑的时候还是争论的时候表情都同样真诚。

    His expression is as earnest when he smiles as when he is arguing

  10. 不论转速如何,发动机都可以立即加速。

    The engine delivers instant acceleration whatever the revs .

  11. 美洲山核桃不论生的还是熟的都很好吃。

    Pecan nuts are delicious both raw and cooked .

  12. 汉森的成功原则是不论收购什么样的企业都要使其增值。

    Hanson 's golden rule is to add value to whatever business he buys .

  13. 烹调时不论是植物油还是动物油,都要尽量少用。

    When you use oil or fat for cooking , use as little as possible .

  14. 不论从哪个方面来说,他们都受到了隆重的接待。

    They were royally received in every aspect

  15. 不论你做什么,人们都会品头论足。

    People will judge you whatever you do

  16. 布赖恩,你知道,不论你怎么看,我都是在为生计而拼命工作。

    You know , Brian , whatever you may think , I work hard for a living

  17. 抛开那些夸大其词的冗词赘语不论,他的言论有挑起种族仇恨的危险。

    Stripped of their pretentious verbiage , his statements come dangerously close to inviting racial hatred .

  18. 不论在什么情况下,父母都应该知道怎样做才是最好的。

    Whatever the circumstances , parents are supposed to know what to do for the best .

  19. 不论何时只要有一点可能暴露在阳光下,我就会用防晒霜。

    I use a sunscreen whenever there is even a remote possibility that I will be in the sun

  20. 最近的事件应该会让每个人在预测某处不可能发生什么事时变得谨慎起来,不论是好事还是坏事。

    Recent events should make everyone modest about saying what cannot happen there , for good or ill .

  21. 不论保修单如何规定,若商品出了问题,消费者仍然可以去商店维护自身权益。

    Whatever a guarantee says , when something goes wrong , you can still claim your rights from the shop

  22. 不论问题是什么就把所知道的统统写上,这有些像典型的考试心理。

    It 's a bit like the exam syndrome where you write down everything you know regardless of what has been asked

  23. 现如今,不论哪位雇员的背部或肩膀疼,都可以直接去找杰伊先生,费用由公司承担。

    Today any employee with back or shoulder pain can go straight to Mr Jay and the company will pick up the tab .

  24. 可能会出现海平面上升或陆地下沉:不论发生哪种情况,沙丘都会在短时间内消失。

    The sea may rise or the land may fall ; either way the sand dunes will be gone in a short time .

  25. 不论是突然退出、来个告别演出,还是逐渐淡出,我甚至完全都没有考虑过。

    I haven 't even begun to think about quitting , or having a last hurrah , or allowing my career to wind down .

  26. 尽管模特行业绝不是那么容易进入的,但是好的模特,不论男女,总是需要的。

    While the modelling business is by no means easy to get into , the good model , male or female , will always be in demand

  27. 数量不论多少都将受到欢迎。

    Any amount , great or small , will be appreciated .

  28. 国家不论大小,应该一律平等。

    All countries , big or small , should be equal .

  29. 不论什么时候刘医生随叫随到。

    Doctor Liu is on call at all times .

  30. 不论贵贱我都要买它。

    I will buy it , dear or cheap .