
  • 网络The Bhutanese;Bhutia
  1. 1974年发行Ngultrum时,不丹人就将它与印度卢比挂起钩来。

    When the Ngultrum was introduced in1974 , the Bhutanese pegged it with the Indian Rupee .

  2. 他是第一个获得国外大学学位的不丹人。

    He was the first Bhutanese to have gained a foreign university degree .

  3. 不丹人坚信良好的管理对人们的幸福至关重要。

    The Bhutanese believe that good governance is vital for the happiness of the people .

  4. 总而言之,不丹人要么极其幸福,要么极其痛苦。

    In short , Bhutan could be extremely happy , or it could be utterly miserable .

  5. 佛教是不丹人日常生活的一部分,是不丹文化的根基。

    for the Bhutanese . Buddhism is part of daily life , the foundation of the culture .

  6. 实际上,其中一个核心指标是如何让不丹人感觉到他们是如何度过他们的每一天的呢?

    One of those key indicators is : How do the Bhutanese feel about how they spend their time each day ?

  7. 正如不丹人会迎接每年前来过冬的黑颈鹤,僧人们似乎也非常欢迎外国游客造访自己的古老国度。

    Just as they greet the cranes each year , the monks appear to welcome this foreign body in their ancient domain .

  8. 另外,据衡量这些指标的人说,不丹人实际上是亚洲乃至全世界最幸福的人群之一。

    And according to people who measure such things , the Bhutanese are in fact the happiest people in Asia and among the happiest in the world .

  9. 也就是说,我认为不丹人相信快乐等同于想往你所拥有的东西想象一下感恩分割成拥有你所想要的东西满足感。

    Or in other words , I think the Bhutanese believe happiness equals wanting what you have -- imagine gratitude -- divided by having what you want -- gratification .