
  • 网络oti;Giulio Andreotti;auty
  1. 对难分先后的冲线镜头的回放显示奥蒂先于奥运冠军到达终点。

    The replays of the close finish showed Ottey finished ahead of the Olympic champion .

  2. 问卷的问题选自何自然、海伦奥蒂和张卫族的相关著作,涉及语用语言和社交语用问题。

    These questions refer to pragma-linguistic and socio-pragmatic problems .

  3. 他们称它为奥蒂蜀,意思是长白云之乡。

    They called it Aotearoa , which means " Land of the long white cloud " .

  4. 两次我都搭乘前往达拉斯的“旅途公司”大巴去探望奥蒂姨婆。

    Both times I got on a Trailway 's bus bound for Dallas to visit Aunt Otie .