
  • 网络oliver
  1. 却像“孤雏泪”里的奥利华。

    More like the orphaned child Oliver asking .

  2. 他与奥利华史东看似同声同气,跟工作人员相处非常有善。

    Castro seems very agreeable , friendly with Stone and working through his interpreter .

  3. 如果法蒂和奥利华可以说通托尼让咖啡店开门,我就会为大家下厨制作圣诞大餐。

    If Fadi and Olivia can ask Tony to open the cafe , I 'll cook a proper Christmas dinner for everyone !

  4. 即便这么便宜,被雨水淋透的奥利华还是没办法找到收养者而孤零零的继续当着孤儿。

    Despite this great deal , a rain-drenched Oliver just can 't seem to find a home and is left all alone in the world as an orphan .

  5. 奥利华史东在片中亦有著重要位置,最为精采是有关他对卡斯特罗的敬畏,一个自我的旅程。

    Stone himself also features a great deal , a kind of star turn which does suggest at times , especially in his sometimes awe of Castro , an ego trip .