
xīn nǚ xìng
  • new women
新女性[xīn nǚ xìng]
  1. 二十世纪二三十年代的“新女性”即是这一成果的受益者。

    New women in the1920s-1930s were the beneficiaries of the achievement .

  2. 从社会性别视角对延安时期新女性的研究

    Study of New Women in Yan'an Era from a Gender Perspective

  3. 肖邦为我们展现了一位勇于挑战、颠覆父权体制的新女性形象

    Chopin presents us an emancipating Edna who challenges and subverts the patriarchal dogmas .

  4. 一批被称为SITCOMs的新女性团体(单身,20多岁,执着于回忆),正成为寻找网络恋情人群中增长速度最快的一群人。

    A new group of women dubbed the SITCOMs ( single in twenties , clinging on to memories ) is becoming the fastest growing group looking for love online .

  5. 德莱塞笔下的新女性形象&嘉莉妹妹的个性分析

    Image of New Woman Shaped by Theodore Dreiser & Sister Carrie

  6. 双性同体的新女性&简·爱形象新析

    The androgynous new image of woman : An analysis of Jane Eyre

  7. 新女性与美国社区改良运动的兴起

    The New Feminine and the Rise of American Social Settlement

  8. 新女性在精神上、情感上都必须真正有自信。

    The New Woman must become truly self-sufficient , spiritually , emotionally .

  9. 埃伦是这部小说中最具有女性主义精神的新女性。

    Ellen is a new woman who best represents the feminist spirit .

  10. 因此,引路人+新女性成为一个普遍的叙述模式。

    Therefore , guide & new women became a general narrative formulation .

  11. 新女性不仅具有强烈的独立意识,并且富有责任感。

    A new woman should have the sense of responsibility .

  12. 你可以利用我们的“夏日新女性”促销活动。

    You can take advantage of our " New Summer Woman " promotion .

  13. 该文指出:约翰逊是一位与生俱来的新女性。

    Johnson is a new woman , by nature .

  14. 可见淑并不是一个彻头彻尾的新女性。

    Thus Sue is not a complete new woman .

  15. 20世纪20年代美国新女性初探

    American " New Women " of the 1920 's

  16. 顺应·冲突·分野&论新女性小说的背景与传统

    Adjustment · Conflict · Demarcation & On Background and Tradition of Neo-Feminist Novel

  17. 论老舍小说中新女性形象缺失的原委

    On the Absence of the New Image of Women in Lao She 's Novels

  18. 20世纪上半叶的新女性与自画像

    " New Females " and Their Self-portraits in the First Half of 20th Century

  19. 丁玲小说的新女性形象&从女儿到女人

    Images of New Women in Ding Ling 's Novels & From Daughter to Women

  20. 你真是太神奇了,各位,一位脱胎换骨的新女性。

    Ross : You were incredible ! Brand new woman , ladies and gentlemen .

  21. 新女性承受更大压力。

    New young women endure more press .

  22. 透析《劝导》中的新女性形象及其婚姻模式

    A Thorough Analysis on the Image of a New Woman and Her Marriage in Persuasion

  23. 老纽约社会中的新女性

    Between the New and the Old The New Woman " in " Old New York

  24. 从新女性到牺牲品&苔丝狄蒙娜形象试析

    From A New Woman to A Victim & An Analysis of the Image of Desdemona

  25. 论哈代小说中的新女性形象

    On the New-Woman Image in Hardys Novels

  26. 从《他们眼望上苍》和《紫颜色》看黑人新女性形象塑造

    Creating New Black Women Images : from Their Eyes Were Watching God to the Color Purple

  27. 爱德娜:一位孤寂的新女性

    Edna : A Solitary New Woman

  28. 莎菲是受“五四”革命影响而觉醒的新女性。

    Sha Fei was a new woman who was influenced and awakened by May Fourth Revolution .

  29. 作为一个完全受自为支配的新女性,布莱特的选择都是从自己的意愿出发的。

    Brett is the For-itself manipulated new woman who makes choices freely from her own wills .

  30. 说得不错,觉民在旁边称赞道,你真是一个新女性

    " Well said . Bravo ," cried Chueh-min. " Spoken like a true New Woman !"