
  • 网络New Bridge;newbridge;pont Neuf;Shinbashi;Puente Nuevo
  1. 美国股权收购公司tpg-新桥(tpg/newbridge)此前曾提出,向少数股东每股支付0.30新元收购盈科拓展股票,使该公司退市。

    TPG / Newbridge , a US buy-out firm , has offered to take the company private by offering minority shareholders S $ 0.30 a share .

  2. 通过其子公司新桥资本(newbridge)投资于深发展的tpg也可以选择接受平安股份,而非现金。

    TPG , which invested in SDB through its subsidiary Newbridge , also has the option to take Ping An shares instead of cash .

  3. 新桥定于九月份动工。

    Work on the new bridge is due to begin in September .

  4. 新桥提前两年落成。

    The new bridge has been finished two years ahead of schedule .

  5. 国王和王后今天将为新桥落成剪彩。

    Their Majesties will open the new bridge today .

  6. 自从新桥建好以后,已经有更多的人到岛上来了。

    Many more people have come across to the island since the new bridge was built .

  7. 我热衷于修建一座新桥的计划。

    I am enthusiastic over a project for building a new bridge .

  8. 新桥河沉积物样中Cu具有很高的潜在生态风险。

    Cu concentration in sediments had a high potential ecological risk . 3 .

  9. 安徽铜陵新桥铜-金矿床的He、Ar同位素组成及其意义

    Origin of ore-forming fluids of the Xinqiao Cu-Au deposit in the Tongling mineral district , anhui : evidence from he and AR isotopes

  10. 新桥滑坡群是在新桥古崩塌体基础上形成的。由3块小滑体(E、F、G)构成的一个大型的岩堆滑坡群。

    Xinqiao landslide group is a large-scale rock accumulative landslide , which contains three little landslides ( E landslide , F landslide and G landslide ), formed on the Xinqiao ancient landslip .

  11. 新桥河沉积物样中Cu、Zn的污染参数很高,含量为高风险或极高风险;Pb污染参数较高,含量为一般风险或高风险。

    Cu and Zn pollution parameters of sediments was high content of high-risk or high risk ; Pb pollution parameters of a higher general level of risk or high risk .

  12. 通过SWOT法对新桥矿面临的机会、风险、优势、劣势的综合分析,得出了新桥矿发展的战略势。

    At the same time , opportunity , risk , advantage and disadvantage are also clarified and strategic trends of development are suggested by SWOT method .

  13. 如果想以更实惠的价格同时享有格调和风景,东京花园酒店(ParkHotelTokyo)(港区东新桥1-7-1;parkhoteltokyo.com)是一个不错的选择。这是一家充满艺术气息的酒店,位于新桥站附近。

    Style and views can also be had for far fewer yen at the Park Hotel Tokyo ( 1-7-1 Higashi Shimbashi , Minato-ku ; parkhoteltokyo . com ) , an art-filled hotel near Shimbashi station .

  14. 他在给一位友人的信中提到了这座当时刚刚建成的新桥,称伏尔塔瓦河(VltavaRiver)的这一河段颇受自杀者欢迎:“从桥上走到观景楼,总比从这条河进入天堂要愉快得多。”

    He wrote to a friend about the then-new bridge , saying that this part of the Vltava River had been popular for suicide attempts : " It will always be more pleasant to walk across the bridge up to the Belvedere than through the river to Heaven . "

  15. 新桥河水体中重金属离子浓度基本达到《地表水环境质量标准》(GB3838-2002)Ⅲ类标准。

    The concentrations of heavy metals in Xinqiao stream meet the " Surface Water Environmental Quality Standard " ( GB3838-2002 )ⅲ . 2 .

  16. 深圳新桥立交桥B5-1号桩基为Φ1200mm的嵌岩桩。

    Pile B5 1 of Shenzhen Xinqiao Bridge is a rock embedded pile with a diameter of 1 200 mm .

  17. 台湾立法委员们正要求兆丰银行提供与2006年发放给TPG-新桥(TPGNewbridge)的6.7亿美元贷款相关的所有账目细目。台湾政府持有兆丰银行母公司17%的股份。

    Taiwan legislators are demanding that Mega , in whose parent the government owns a 17 per cent stake , provide full accounting details relating to a $ 670m loan to TPG Newbridge in 2006 .

  18. 新桥矿主井冲积层厚度为392m,冻结深度为602m,为同期冻结最深的井筒。

    Alluviation layer thickness in XinQiao primary well is 392 meters , the freezing depth is 602 meters , this is the deepest well in the same time of freezes chamber .

  19. 新桥硫铁矿井下地压观测网的设计研究

    Design of ground pressure observation al meshwork of Xinqiao Pyrites Mine

  20. 新桥与旧桥几乎一样。

    The new bridge is almost identical to the old one .

  21. 据说一座新桥正在建设之中。

    It is said that a new bridge is being built .

  22. 我们看了新桥的几种不同的设计图。

    We looked at several different designs for the new bridge .

  23. 粉煤灰细砂胶结充填在新桥硫铁矿的应用

    The Application of Cementing-filling of Flyash & Fine-sand In Xinqiao Pyrite

  24. 美国最近有什么新桥通车吗?

    Have somey bridges of somey kind opened in America recently ?

  25. 该市举行了一次自行车队游行以示净化空气运动的开始。市长为一座新桥举行落成典礼。普林斯顿公开课-国际座谈会课程节选当时就职典礼正在举行。adj.开始的;开幕的;

    The city inaugurated the clean-air campaign with a bicycle parade .

  26. 新桥矿业公司管理信息系统(XQM-MIS)的开发与设计

    Development & design of management information system in Xin-Qiao Mine

  27. 新桥矿矿床地面塌陷规律与综合治理

    Surface Subsidence Law and Comprehensive Control of Xinqiao Ore Deposit

  28. 人们成群结队地来参观新桥。

    People come in flocks to see the new bridge .

  29. 那条河上要建一座新桥。

    A new bridge will be built over that river .

  30. 合肥新桥国际机场膨胀土石灰改良研究

    Study on lime-improved expansive soils in Hefei Xinqiao International Airport